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Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 18 January 2000 |
Present: Mr Innes Stephen (Chairman) Mr John Thomson (Vice Chairman) Mrs Glenison Foster-Axten (Secretary) Mrs Ros Deane (Treasurer) Mr Sam Andrew Mr Donnie Chisholm Mr Barry Cook Mr Jimmy Lynch Mrs Linda Mackie Also Present: Cllr Paul Johnston (Aberdeenshire Council) Apologies: Mrs Jenny Wagstaff P.C.George Hall (Grampian Police) 1] Minute of 14 Dec.1999: Agreed. 2] Cllr's Report: a} A draft grant application on behalf of the Amenities Group has been prepared. b} The drain clearance operation at Barthol Chapel is not proceeding as there is a protection order in respect of the watervoles at the site. c} A decision has been made to proceed with extending the accommodation at Tarves Primary School to house pre-school children following a poll of parents. There will be 20 places for nursery age children, and the facility should be available by August 2001. There will also be continued professional and financial support for the existing Playgroup. d} The "Area Plan" has been adopted as a starting point and will receive priority when the Aberdeenshire budget is finalised. e} 'Bain of Tarves': As reported by the media, the bank has advised that a Receiver has been called in. The local MP and MSP are in contact with the relevant Minister. The TCC will also write to the Minister for Enterprise (Henry McLeish) and to Grampian Enterprise Ltd asking for speedy action to be taken. The 'Bain's' situation demonstrates the very fragile position of the Aberdeenshire rural areas and the Government must be pressed to step in to save such a major, local employer. GEL is to be pressed to bring on alternative employment facilities for the area particularly as Tarves already has a designated industrial site. ++ 3] Chairman's Report: a} The 'Millennium' celebrations had been a great success. The TCC will write to the 'New Millennium Group' to thank all concerned for their efforts. ++ b} Tarves has, once again, been placed first in the "Communities in Bloom" competition and has been awarded £125. The judges in the "Beautiful Scotland in Bloom" competition had made a strong point about the lack of floral decoration on the commercial premises in the village and I Stephen felt that it would be a good idea to use the £125, at least in part, to encourage further endeavours in this area. G Foster-Axten suggested that the commercial premises making the greatest effort in this direction could be suitable recipients for the "Arthur Watson Trophy". c} The Formartine Forum had discussed the effects of the proposed cut of £12m in AC's budget for the coming financial year. It was obvious that both services and jobs would suffer. d} A "Public Transport Forum" is to be instigated. Any comments on the present or future services should be forwarded to the Formartine Forum.
4] Community Safety Group: Despite having agreed to I Stephen's request, A Sleigh had failed to attend the inaugural meeting of this group. There was general censure of A Sleigh's lack of participation in TCC meetings and affairs. I Stephen will write to A Sleigh to raise the question of his continuing commitment. ++ 5] Junior Badminton: P Johnston had investigated the position and had found that there were a few possibilities for giving assistance to this club through AC Recreation department. There could be training, finance for new equipment or training courses for the adults involved. R Deane was asked to 'pass the word' in Barthol Chapel to see if any children there would be interested in joining, also any parents who would be willing to assist in supervision. 6]Formartine Pship Projects: J Thomson had attended the meeting of the Steering Group of the Ythan Catchment Area Project. As well as having projects which would benefit the overall area, the committee is anxious for each community to submit ideas for individual projects, for which a grant of about £1000 would be available from the "Rural Challenge" organisation. J Thomson also mentioned that the whole project would, hopefully, attract an EU grant of £100,000. There were several suggestions for a local community project, viz. a} Development of environmental education for children. b} Link up between the school and the rangers at Haddo for advancement of education on countryside matters. c} An improved play/adventure area for the children. d} Local farmers' markets. e} Recycling projects. The possibility of 'link up' projects between 2 or more communities was also mentioned, for instance a walkway/bridle path connecting villages. The TCC will register an interest and before the next meeting, council members are to consider other possibilities and give details to I Stephen. ++ 7] Youlieburn: The farm and farmhouse has been sold but a small plot of land has been retained by the original owners and a planning application for the building of a house has been lodged. As this appears to be in breach of the AC planning regulations, the TCC will lodge and objection. ++ 8] Millennium Project: A planning application has been made in respect of a clock tower and bus shelter to be sited in Tarves Square. There was heated debate on this subject and, as no agreement could be reached, it was decided to invite Mrs Pat. Williams, the Chairman of the 'New Millennium Group' to the next TCC meeting and to supply further information. ++ 9] Design Awards: I Stephen had received the application for the 2000 awards. It was decided that no entry would be made this year. 10] A.O.C.B.: a} The lamp outside the Melvin Hall is not working. b} There has been, for some time, an unpleasant mess on the pavement outside the Aberdeen Arms Hotel. A CC member asked if AC responsible for cleaning this? I Stephen pointed out that with the budget cuts at AC it was unlikely that the Council would take responsibility. ++ c} The garden of the owner occupied house at 2 Tolquhon Avenue is in a disgraceful condition being covered with dog mess. It was decided that the TCC would first approach the owners to clean it up with the proviso that if they did not, the matter would be reported to the Environmental Health department. ++ d} It was agreed that the monthly Social Fund contribution would be raised to £3.00 and that a provisional booking for Friday 15 December 2000 would be made. e} D Chisholm advised that the lines had now been painted on the all-weather court. f} R Deane advised that the gas pipeline point just beyond the Barthol Chapel crossroads had lapsed into a dreadful state since the take over by Transco. British gas had always maintained this site as a landscaped area. TCC will write to Transco. ++
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