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Minutes of Meeting held on March 21, 2000 at Tarves Primary School |
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Members Present: Innes Stephen (Chairman), John Thomson (Vice Chairman), Barry Cook, Jimmy Lynch, Linda Mackie, Jenny Wagstaff. Apologies: Glenison Foster-Axten, Ros Deane, Sam Andrew, Councillor Paul Johnston. As the secretary was on holiday, the chairman agreed to take brief notes of the discussions. 1. Minutes of Meeting on February 15, 2000 were approved. 2. Members of the Millennium Group said that an illustration of the proposed clock tower would be put on display in Duthies' shop. They disputed the suggestion that car parking spaces would be lost and deplored the fact that rumours to this effect had been circulating after I. Stephen had made measurements in the Square. 3. The chairman outlined the local knock-on effects of the Aberdeenshire cut-backs which included a reduction of 3% in devolved school budgets, reduced visiting specialist teachers to the school, increased school letting charges, closure of the village toilets, increased home help and day care charges for the elderly, no free return to pick up missed refuse bins, and a range of other items. The Community Council agreed to write to the Scottish Executive and to Aberdeenshire Council deploring the stringency imposed on Aberdeenshire and the serious implications for education in Aberdeenshire; emphasising that Aberdeenshire with the pressure of growth in the area deserved to be treated as a special and unique case in Scotland; and arguing strongly that there should be no further financial squeeze on the authority and its citizens in the subsequent years. 4. The chairman reported that nomination forms for Beautiful Scotland in Bloom were now out, and it was agreed to enter again. There is to be training for community councillors as part of a consultation exercise over the local plan. 5. The council members expressed concern about the siting of the stop for buses travelling in the direction of Aberdeen on Manse Brae. It was felt that the stop should be sited near the exit gate from the dog walk in view of the proximity of the corner at the manse exit. There had also been a complaint from a resident in Bede Way about the bus stop on the opposite side of the road. The Community Council felt that it could be moved eastwards towards the Cemetery to solve the difficulty. 6. The Council heard replies from the Scottish Executive and Grampian Enterprise and it was suggested that Lord Aberdeen should be asked to consider whether he would be interested in co-operating in development of the site as the Estate are owners of the land. 7. The webgroup were initially refused use of the Queen's Room by the Melvin Hall committee to house the computer applied for under the com.com Holyrood scheme. The matter was raised again with the committee and it was hoped a favourable response would be forthcoming 8. Several matters were raised by members of the public: Shrubbery at the entrance to Kirk Brae obscuring view of drivers -- no action to be taken.Request for sign at the Manse Walk/Bede Way junction to alert drivers that there was no through road on the continuation of Bede Way - request to be passed to Aberdeenshire Council. Roller blade quarter pipe had been removed from school and was now at the bottom of the Old Aberdeen Road at its junction with Bee Way and children were using it as a ramp and blading over the bollards on to the road, which was alarming residents concerned for their safety -- chairman to deal with matter. Bollards at the bottom of Old Aberdeen Road need repainting -- to be raised with Aberdeenshire Council. 9. The Council has passed forms to the Heritage Project with a view to a Doric festival event being held in the village.