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Minute of Meeting on Tuesday 19 September 2000 – Barthol Chapel
Present: Mr Innes Stephen (Chairman) Mr John Thomson (Vice Chairman) Mrs Glenison Foster-Axten (Secretary) Mrs Ros Deane (Treasurer) Mr Sam Andrew Mr Barry Cook Mr Jimmy Lynch Mrs Linda Mackie Mrs Jenny Wagstaff Also Present: Cllr. Paul Johnston (Aberdeenshire Council) Mrs Alison Leith (Ellon Times) Mr Roger Williamson (Barthol Chapel Assoc.)
Apologies: Mr Donnie Chisholm PC George Hall 1] Minute of Meeting 15 August 2000: Approved 2] Matters Arising: In Tarves 77 people came to view the Aberdeenshire Local Plan. 3] AC Local Transport Strategy: Mr Steve Taylor on behalf of AC gave a presentation on the ‘Local Transport Strategy’ after which there was heated debate. All committee members were urged to read the booklet which is available from the TCC ‘box’. It was agreed that although there were some laudable points in the strategy there seemed little likelihood in there being sufficient funds to implement the changes. 4] TCC Election: AC has received 16 nominations and a formal election will be required. This will be held in Tarves Primary School on Saturday 30 September between 1000 hrs and 1700 hrs. Proxy/postal votes will not be allowed. The counting of votes will be conducted on Tuesday 3 October 2000. AC anticipates that the Tarves count will be "complex". Volunteers will be required to man the polling station. ++ 5] Barthol Chapel Old School Site: The rubble has still not been cleared. The Hydro Board has, however, cleared the power lines which means that there is now no reason for further delay on the part of the part of the contractor. McIntosh has now advised that they are too busy to clear the site at present. Johnston and the TCC will write to the contractor setting a deadline of 31 October 2000 to either clear the site or to made it safe against ‘fly tipping’ and access. ++ 6] Barthol Chapel Shelter: The money for this project is in the bank. The architect’s plans have received planning permission but are now being adjusted to include ‘light’. The building warrant is still outstanding. A scheme, which the ‘clerk of works’ can follow, will be drawn up. It is estimated that the project will be completed this autumn. 7] Community Council Scheme: A draft document has been supplied by AC on which TCC comments are required by the end of October. It was suggested that we apply for an extension on the grounds that we have an election during the ‘consideration’ period but Stephen thought this would not be granted. Stephen will obtain copies of the draft for early comment by existing committee members. ++ 8] Councillor’s Report: a) Ythsie: Application has been deferred pending further discussions with the developer. Johnston suggested that the TCC should make ‘active observations’ on the brief as the letters of objection from the TCC indicated. ++ b) Transport Strategy: The consultation period ends on 31 October. Johnston indicated a willingness to discuss the various issues with TCC members if they should so wish. ++ c) Speed Limits Policy: Any changes to existing speed limits will be considered under new technical consultations. ++ d) Presentation of AC Financial Information: The TCC should indicate how they would like information on the financial state to be presented to them. At their next meeting Johnston will submit a briefing paper for TCC’s information and asks that the TCC continues to lobby the Scottish Executive about the financial constraints. 9] A.O.C.B.: a) Presentation to Ellon of their "Coat of Arms": Representatives of the TCC have been invited to attend the formal presentation at Ellon Parish Church on Sunday 1 October 2000. Unfortunately no-one can attend on that date. A letter of apology will be sent. ++
b) Travellers’ History and Culture Presentation: This will be an all day presentation commencing at 0930 hrs. Mackie will consider attending. c) Community Planning Conference: This would be held on 26 September 2000. There will be no representation from TCC. d) Local Plan Consultation: The Melvin Hall Committee has submitted its bill. Johnston confirmed that this should be forwarded to AC (Mr Colin Simpson) for payment, e) Window Boxes: The question of needing ‘planning permission’ has been raised in respect of the erection of window boxes and the like. It was suggested that the Amenities Group submit a list of all such structures for ‘multi’ planning permission. ++ f) School Buses: Complaints have been made about the dilapidated state of some school buses with particular regard to damp, lack of heating and diesel fumes inside the coach. Doubts have also been expressed about the safety of using double decker buses in adverse winter weather conditions. Johnston will pass on these comments to AC but has also asked that, for particular complaints, the registration number and company logo should be noted from the vehicle in question and AC will investigate the position. g) Arthur Watson Trophy: Foster-Axten asked the present position regarding this trophy. No decision has yet been made regarding the subject of the award. This matter will be held over to the new committee for urgent attention. ++ h) Presentations: The retirement of Mr Jimmy Lynch after 22 years on the TCC was marked by the presentation of a mysterious, green parcel with which Lynch seemed very pleased. Foster-Axten was just as delighted when presented with a lovely bouquet in recognition of her term as secretary.
Key: ++ = Further action required.
gfa 24 September 2000
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