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Minutes of Meeting held at Tarves Primary School on May 15, 2001
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Members Present: Innes Stephen (Chairman); John Thomson (Vice Chairman); Ros Deane (Treasurer); Gordon Brown; Dick Reville; Sam Andrew; Bob Davidson; Ian Massie; Colin Taylor; Muriel Thomson.
Also Present: Councillor Paul Johnston; Sarah Pumfrett (minutes).
Apologies: Linda Mackie (Secretary). |
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Minutes of meeting on 17 April 2001
The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting with the exceptions detailed at point 4 of this minute. |
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Matters Arising
In relation to point 3 final paragraph Muriel Thomson stated that photocopying on behalf of the Community Council was legitimate, on the basis stated by Paul Johnston, and she was awaiting information relating to the budget code to which the photocopying should be charged in order that the school could recover the costs from the Law and Administration budget.
In relation to the Minute correction detailed at 4B, discussion took place over whether the letter that had been received was from the Millennium Committee as this had not been recorded on the letter. The Community Council accepted that this was the case and stated that if this was not the case the matter should be dealt with by members of the Millennium Committee and not the Community Council.
A discussion took place on the validity of amendments being made to the Minutes by the Chairman or Secretary prior to circulation to the Council and display on notice boards. It was noted that it was standard practice for Office Bearers to correct the draft minute of any erroneous or libelous statements prior to print and distribution and that this practice would continue.
A complaint had been received in relation to point 14F paragraph 2 of the Minutes of 20 March 2001. It was to be noted that the undertaker provides a service, that many tourists seeking to trace ancestors take advantage of, supplying information in relation to a 100 year history of buriels within the village. The Chairman had discussed the matter with the complainant in his role as Chairman of the Formartine Tourist Group, and stated that the minute was incorrect in detail as amended in paragraph 4C below. The Community Council decided to write a letter of apology to the complainant stating that no offence had been meant and recording the correct detail as should have been reported.
In relation to point 10C in the Minutes of 17 April, the Council had accepted responsibility for the road and had undertaken surfacing repairs to it. |
Detail Required
It was proposed that less detail be recorded in the Minutes of the Tarves Community Council on the basis that one Councillor, who did not wish to be named, felt inhibited to express their opinion if the comments would be minuted. Discussion took place on the relative merits of detailed minutes that allowed referral back at future meetings, and less detailed minutes that recorded only the topic discussed, main points, decision and person to action. A vote was taken and the motion carried 6 votes to 4 with an additional vote for the motion submitted with the apologies for non-attendance.
A second motion was proposed that the minutes should present the items in the order in which they were discussed, rather than in the order of the agenda, in order that where people arrived late or left early, they were not quoted in relation to points when it appeared that they were not present. An additional motion was passed that the Minutes should be re-titled "Draft Minutes" on the basis that they were posted on notice boards prior to being approved by the Community Council. On the basis of the decision for less detailed minutes these motions were dismissed.
Correct and agree on Millennium minute
In relation to point 10 of the Minutes of 20 March, the amendment proposed by Linda Mackie was accepted. This resulted in the point reading as follows:
"Paul Johnston reported that he had discussed the possibility of the Chairman of the Licensing Committee (Councillor John McGregor) meeting with the Millennium Group and/or the Community Council to discuss the licensing requirements and the way in which the previous licensing application had been handled, in order to ensure that the situation was not repeated. It was requested that this meeting be advertised on the notice boards in order that residents with an interest in the matter could also attend the meeting.
A letter had been received from the Millennium Group stating that no further action is to be taken in relation to the Millennium licence. After much discussion the decision was taken to pass this matter back to the Millennium Group."
Correct Minute on Tourism leaflets
In relation to point 14F paragraph one of the Minute of 20 March, corrected in paragraph 2C of the Minute of 17 April, the following points were to be noted: Two separate issues were discussed that had become confused. One related to the Tourist Leaflet and the other to an audit of tourist and other facilities in the area.
The tourist leaflet would be single colour printed and would be distributed locally and not at Edinburgh Train stations as recorded in the minutes. The reference to information collated by Turriff related to an audit of facilities in the area, and was in no way related to the information that would be recorded in the Tourist leaflet. |
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Councillor’s Report
There had been changes to the Paper Recycling facilities within the village, details of which were recorded on the bin. Paper and Cardboard must now be segregated, with only paper being collected within Tarves. The nearest facility for Cardboard collection was Pitmedden. Corrugated paper was classed as cardboard.
The Formartine Area Committee had voted to re-open the toilets at Tarves. This resulted in Ellon and Collieston being re-opened as priority with Tarves, Newburgh and Cuminestown being reopened if resources allowed. There was no guarantee that the toilets would remain open in the long term as the Council still had to find savings and much of the budget that could otherwise be channelled into reopening facilities was spent on repairing vandal damage to existing facilities.
The plans to introduce car-parking charges at Haddo Country Park had been dropped for the current financial year.
Chairman’s Report
The Web Computer was to be installed in Pitmedden on Friday 18 May. Ian Massie and Colin Taylor were asked to assist in the removal and liaise directly with Jim Bruce on times.
The Zone 98 Ceilidh was stated to have been a success. It was not known how much had been raised.
Muriel Thomson stated the quiz night had raised £308.68 after expenses but that more fund-raising was required. |
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Planning Matters
One planning application had been received in relation to the conversion of a steading. Any comments on the application should be passed to the Chairman as soon as possible.
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Barthol Chapel Matters
The AGM of the Association is scheduled for May 28th where the shelter will be discussed. It is envisaged that building will take place in the summer.
No further progress had been made in relation to the McIntosh company owned site.
The provision of Grit Bins had been agreed but not yet installed. It was noted that residents should notify the Council of the requirement to replenish bins as local conditions could affect usage rates. |
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None. |
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£15,000 for Formartine Area – suggestions for priorities
Community Councils were asked to submit suggestions for officers of the Council to assess and prioritise spending of this budget. It was noted that the money was available to enhance existing services and not as "project" money. Suggestions put forward, included improvement of the path behind the school and enhanced play equipment for children.
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Representation of Young folk on Council
It was agreed that the target age group was under 25 years of age. Suggestions included contacting Zone 98 and other youth organisations and asking them to give a presentation at a Community Council Meeting on a subject relevant to them on a routine basis. Posters at the Pubs and Post Office to encourage participation and raise awareness of the work of the Community Council, requesting that a notice be read out at Church, inclusion of an item in the parish magazine and delivery of fliers. It was suggested that the £15,000 budget for Formartine Area may be a method of encouraging younger representation on the Council who could provide details on the type of equipment that they would like to see (such-as skate-boarding facilities etc.). It was decided that Zone 98 be asked to provide a presentation at the next Community Council meeting.
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AGM Date
It was decided that the AGM should be held in September. The Constitution should be amended to record the AGM date and the Constitution should be progressed before the next meeting.
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ASCC Conference This would take place in Dumfries in June – details were in the box. It was not envisaged that Tarves Community Council would be represented.
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Policing plan
No comments. |
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Structure Plan
Production of too many glossy brochures is a waste of money. Brochures are repetitive. Paul Johnston stated that this enabled people to read and understand sections of the document without having to read the whole publication. He also noted that there was a statutory requirement to produce the documents concerned.
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Waste Strategy
It was noted that this was missing from the box. No comments were passed in relation to it. |
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Title Conditions
The Community Council could obtain a copy and report back if desired. It was decided that it was not relevant to do so. |
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Other Meetings
None. |
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Any Other Competent Business
The Minutes of the Community Council Forum in relation to Millennium Licensing stated that the Community Council was to meet with the Licensing Board. This was incorrect. Paul Johnston had set up the meeting for anyone who wished to attend. The chairman explained that the final Forum minute had already been altered accordingly.
The Formartine Area Education Forum Minutes made no mention of Tarves being in line for Nursery facilities if funding was available.
An increased level of crime had been noted in the village recently. One resident of Tarves had been charged in relation to 2 of the incidents with investigations continuing into the balance.
In relation to the fire at the school, the Police had previously requested that Aberdeenshire Council take precautions to secure the alcoves around the school such-as the one where the fire was lit. No action had been taken to date. The Community Council and Councillor Johnston stated an intention to press for action to be taken in relation to this.
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Details of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on 19 June 2001 at 7.30 p.m. in Tarves Primary School. Community Council meetings are always open to the public.
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