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Minutes of the 7.30 p.m. meeting of 23 October 2001 at Barthol Chapel School |
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Committee Present: Bob Davidson (Chairman); John Thomson (Vice Chairman); Ros Deane (Treasurer); Linda Mackie (Secretary); Gordon Brown; Dick Reville; Muriel Thomson; Ian Massie; Colin Taylor; Donnie Chisholm.
Also Present: Councillor Paul Johnston; Sarah Pumfrett (minutes); Alison Leith (Ellon Times), Jim Mennie (Barthol Chapel Association); and Late entry by Roger Williams (Chairman of Barthol Chapel Association).
Apologies: Sam Andrew.
Minutes of 18 September 2001 Meeting
The minutes were proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting by John Thomson and seconded by Ros Deane. |
Matters Arising Donnie Chisholm submitted his apologies retrospectively and explained that he had intended to attend but had been required to work late unexpectedly.
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Election Results No nominations had been received for the vacancy on the Community Council. Bob Davidson had spoken to Ann Bradley who had indicated that she was not interested in the position. Jenny Wagstaff had been approached by Muriel Thomson and Councillor Johnston and had stated that she would be prepared to fill the vacancy in the absence of any other interested candidates. Donnie Chisholm suggested that perhaps an approach should be made to the village youths for a candidate. Bob Davidson stated that this should be supplementary to the position as there was a minimum age of 18 for a Community Councillor. Bob Davidson is to check the constitution with regard to co-opting Jenny Wagstaff onto the Council. Notice of motion was proposed by Bob Davidson and seconded by Ros Deane for the co-option to take place at the next meeting. Muriel Thomson to approach Jenny Wagstaff to attend the next meeting. |
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Barthol Chapel Matters
Jim Mennie of the Barthol Chapel Association welcomed the Community Council to Barthol Chapel and thanked Councillor Paul Johnston and Alison Leith of the Ellon Times for their assistance in arranging the clearing the old school site. He stated that funds were being raised for the erection of the school shelter and they were hoping to raise sufficient funds for the purchase of materials and the professional erection of the shelter on site. A schedule of works was being drawn up in order that proper costings could be put together.
A new yellow bin for winter grit has been sited in the village, again thanks to Councillor Paul Johnston for his assistance. It was noted that the one near the school was empty. Councillor Paul Johnston stated that refills could be ordered from Ian Rendall in Roads. He also noted that the grit piles that were sited at the side of the road in the past should continue in the future.
The signage at Balgove had been much improved and there had been no recent accidents in the area. |
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Path at rear of school – lighting, surface etc.
The Roads Service has stated that the path is the responsibility of Education and Recreation and not Roads. It was stated that any concerns should be raised by the Headmaster directly with Education. Bob Davidson has spoken to Marek Gorski. Councillor Paul Johnston stated that he would discuss the matter with Ian Tillet as Outdoor Services currently maintain the path. He further stated that the path was outside the curtilage of the school and therefore should not be the responsibility of Education. The path would have to be brought up to standard before it would be adopted. Councillor Johnston to progress.
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Tolquhon Avenue/Duthie Road site
An approach had been made to the selling agents who stated that development of 2 houses is likely to take place soon. A question was raised over whether there were any restrictions on the type of development that would be allowed as the artists impression that had been included in the advert would not be in keeping with the existing buildings in the conservation area. Councillor Paul Johnston stated that the plans would have to be approved by both the Council and Historic Scotland.
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Christmas tree lights
A new catalogue has been received. John Thomson and Dick Reville suggested that a new overhead cable be put in place, as the wall is considered unsafe for putting the cable through. Work is in progress. A debate took place on the type of replacement lights to be purchased and it was decided that strings of pea lights should be purchased. The Community Club is to decide how many strings are required, as they will be purchasing the lights.
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TRDA update The proposed amendment by Muriel Thomson was discussed and it was noted that the comments regarding the lack of funding for the upkeep of the all weather courts was not an assumption on the part of Councillor Paul Johnston as this point had been raised previously and it had been stated that there was no budgetary provision and therefore no money available. This had since been confirmed with Ian Tillet. The amendment was seconded by Ian Massie taking out the reference to Councillor Johnston’s assumption.
The lease between Gordon District Council and TRDA had never been signed although a copy of it had now been received. A 20-year lease would enable the TRDA to apply for lottery and other funding whilst Aberdeenshire Council could not guarantee any maintenance due to budgetary restrictions. Ian Tillet is willing to meet with the TRDA and/or the Community Council to discuss the options available. Donald Youngson is to quote for the repairs via Ian Tillet. If the TRDA signed the lease on the court it would be brought up to a standard prior to being handed over. The TRDA is to take this forward with Ian Tillet once the figures are available. |
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Melvin Hall Notice-board
Colin Taylor stated that Charlie Ligertwood and Glen Strachan are working on plans that would be suited to the available budget. Once the plans are drawn, they will be submitted back to the Community Council and the Melvin Hall Committee for approval. Dick Reville and John Thomson are to request a contribution from the Melvin Hall Committee at their meeting tomorrow with the intention of gaining approval in principle. Once the plans are approved a formal request for funding will be made to the hall committee. |
Planning Matters No concerns had been raised in relation to the planning application in Barthol Chapel. Sam Andrew had attended the meeting on 2 October regarding the amendments to the Draft Local Plan. The Ellon Times had covered the item in detail. The consultation that was done until June 2001 had to have been commented on by September 2001. However, as the Local Plan enquiry had run late and the structure plan in relation to the total number of houses had not been submitted; it was noted that the total housing was below the minimum level required. This situation could increase the possibility of developers appealing against decisions made by councillors, and lead to more decisions being made by the Scottish Executive rather than the Local Authority. The Local Plan must be finalised quickly as reported at the Formartine Area meeting held this afternoon, when a number of Community Council members attended. The meeting had not been very enlightening. It was felt that the comments by members of the public and officers should be recorded and the lists made public. This hasn’t yet happened and with the current workload of staff is unlikely to occur more than 2 to 3 weeks prior to a final decision being made on the plan. This is envisaged to take place by the end of the year. This could result in planning applications being processed as soon as 2002 rather than between 2011 and 2016 which is the timescale that was under discussion with the original Draft Local Plan. It was decided that a consultation meeting was desirable prior to the final comments and decision being taken although given the lack of information it was difficult to judge when the meeting should be scheduled. It was noted that there would be very little time to arrange and publicise the public meeting once the information was made available. It was agreed to use the local press to advise the public that there was likelihood that a consultation meeting would be arranged at very short notice. Posters are to be put in the noticeboards in the village. Donnie Chisholm suggested circulating flyers but this was considered to be impractical for the rural areas of Tarves and it was stated that all houses should receive notice or none at all. A survey had been received from the Planning Service entitled Development Control Best Value Review. This is a survey of Community Councils and whether the information received from planners such as information on the weekly lists is relevant and complete. It was stated that which Community Council the application related to would be useful as some of the rural addresses were difficult to establish. Linda Mackie to complete and return the comment sheet. The Plans relating to Youlieburn had been refused. Information had been received in relation to the recent accidents on the A947 between Oldmeldrum and St Katherines along with a request for input from the Community Council. Work on the Meldrum bends had started with the application of grip surfacing. If anyone wishes to submit any information or help with the safety campaign the contacts are Andrew McCartney and David Keys. Ros Deane is to progress this in relation to Barthol Chapel. |
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Reports Plans for the amalgamation of the Tarves and Ellon Registrars had been considered. After discussion it was decided that it would be preferable to retain the existing service in Udny. Bob Davidson had sent a letter to Keith Jones and the decision had been deferred at present. |
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Meeting Dates and venues for 2002 Linda Mackie is to circulate the meeting dates for 2002 to all Community Council members. Ros Deane is to book the Barthol Chapel school hall for the annual Community Council visit for 20th August 2002 and confirm with Linda Mackie that this is convenient. Linda Mackie is to book the Youth Hall for the school holidays. |
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Any Other Competent Business There was a possibility that the Kirk Session would purchase a house in the village for the Minister rather than build the new manse as previously planned. The Community Council decided not to approach the Kirk Session on the matter of what would become of the site until after the decision was made. Ros Deane raised comments in relation to the minimum parking standards of Aberdeenshire Council being changed to maximum parking with different ratios for houses, businesses and leisure centres. Ros Deane is to e-mail her comments directly to the relevant contact listed. The minutes of 15 August 2000 stated that a 20mph speed limit be introduced throughout the village from Manse Walk through to Braiklay Avenue. This was considered to be unrealistic and was suggested as an agenda item for the next meeting. The Formartine Partnership is suffering from a falling attendance. Councillor Paul Johnston to add something to the website in relation to this to try to drum up interest. The Tourist Group is also suffering a falling attendance and has requested that 2 members of each Community should be nominated to attend future meetings. Suggestions for nominations (they do not need to be Community Council members) to be submitted to the next meeting. At a recent meeting of the Udny Community Council, Dr Burnett had spoken about the new facilities planned for the Doctors surgery in Pitmedden. The decision had been taken after it was noted during a recent survey that the existing facilities at Tarves were only 2/3 the floor-space required for a village of the size of Tarves. In association with the Healthcare Cooperative of Ellon and the Bridge Of Don it had been decided that Pitmedden provided the best development opportunity for the future. A site had been identified behind the toilets and Health Board approval had been obtained. The Clinic and the Surgery in Pitmedden would be closed as part of the move that was envisaged for the spring of 2003. Tarves would be retained as a branch surgery although some of the clinics and nursing facilities were likely to move to Pitmedden. A member had been contacted by a resident with regard to a problem with their neighbour’s dogs. It was felt that in order for any action to be taken the resident would need to make a formal approach in writing and it could then be passed on to the relevant authority. Alternatively they could contact Gordon House direct. |
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Details of the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on 20 November 2001 at 7.30 p.m. in Tarves School. Community Council meetings are always open to the public.
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