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Meeting of Tarves Community Council 16th December 2001 |
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Committee Present: Bob Davidson (Chairman); John Thomson (Vice Chairman); Linda Mackie (Secretary); Sam Andrew; Dick Reville; Ian Massie; Colin Taylor; Donnie Chisholm.
Also Present: Councillor Paul Johnston; Sarah Pumfrett (minutes); Alison Leith (Ellon Times); David Murray (Architect); Sgt Jonathan ? (Ellon Police).
Apologies: Gordon Brown; Ros Deane (Treasurer); Muriel Thomson; Jenny Wagstaff. |
Minutes of 20 November 2001 Meeting
A The minutes were proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting by Dick Reville and seconded by Sam Andrew with the following amendments: Regarding Point 13 – Collieston is not struggling for funding this has been awarded. |
Matters Arising
A Christmas Tree Lights
The Community Council wanted to say thank you to all those involved in the purchase and set up of the new Christmas Tree lights in particular the Community Club for the funding. Muriel Thomson commented that the new lights looked good and others present at the meeting agreed.
B TRDA Update
Councillor Johnston has not had a response from Ian Tillett, although a conversation earlier that day had indicated that Aberdeenshire Council has not obtained quotes as yet, due to a reluctance on the part of prospective contractors to tender for the work. Once quotes have been obtained, he will respond formally. It is up to the TRDA to progress whether they want to take over the management of the court once it has been brought up to standard.
C Jenny Wagstaff, has been co-opted on to the Community Council. Linda Mackie to notify the relevant people within Aberdeenshire Council. |
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Barthol Chapel Matters Nothing to report. |
Aberdeenshire Local Plan There has been no progress in relation to the 20MPH limits. Variable speed limits outside schools are covered by separate legislation to that under consideration for Tarves. Any suggestions for areas to be considered for a 20MPH limit should be made to the Head of Roads, Aberdeenshire Council. Responses to the plan were due by 15 December. The report that was to be submitted to the Infrastructure Services Committee in Mid January has now been postponed to the 23 February to take account of the final date for comments from the Community to Councillors. A decision on the plan must be taken by a given date. Slippage impacts on the consultation time for the community. Tarves Community Council is to schedule a meeting for the end of January/beginning of February to allow public consultation in order to report back to the Area Committee at it’s 12 February meeting. |
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Covered under Matters Arising. |
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Path at rear of school – lighting, surface etc.
A works order has been issued for the upgrade of the path. Councillor Johnston confirmed that lighting the path does not depend on it being kerbed. Consideration is being given to whether there is sufficient funding in next year’s budget to allow for lighting. |
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Tolquhon Avenue/Duthie Road site
Neil Murray of Aberchirder, not Michael Duncan, owns the site. Bob Davidson to investigate.
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Condition of Village Roads A Potholes have been reported in Duthie Road, Tree Road and Braiklay Avenue. A works order has been issued and work should be carried out shortly. It was noted that reinstatements are the responsibility of utility companies carrying out work. The next full inspection by the Council will be carried out shortly and will identify any areas of concern. These will be brought to the attention of the relevant companies. B A works order has been issued for the roadside parking at the cemetery. C It was noted that cars parking on the pavement caused some of the damage in the area of Tree Road. Whilst this is illegal, the police officer present noted that even if a driver were booked for the offence, the Procurator Fiscal would not take action against the offender as it was now accepted that drivers park on pavements across the country. |
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Melvin Hall and Braiklay Avenue Notice-boards No progress has been made to date. John Thomson noted that at a recent meeting of the Formartine Partnership Ythanbank Community Council requested funding from Aberdeenshire Council for 3 notice boards at a cost of £180 each to be manufactured by inmates at Peterhead prison from recycled Mahogany.
A debate took place on whether this was an avenue worth investigating or whether the work should be awarded to a local contractor.
There was potential for the wood to be donated by someone from the village if agreement could be made on the plans. It was agreed that Colin Taylor would contact Sandy Davidson and liase with the Architect, Joiner, potential donor of the wood and the hall committee to obtain agreement and progress the matter. |
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Aberdeenshire Council Design Awards
The leaflet relating to this is in the box for anyone wishing to read it. Suggestions to the next meeting please. |
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Planning Matters – Old Bakery Site Planning consent exists for 3 houses (bakery being converted to form 2 houses and third house built behind). A build-out onto Duthie Road is required in order that safe access and egress can be made from the properties. A new development has been proposed, for site clearance and construction of 2 detached houses. The properties would be stone-faced with slate roofs of a traditional proportion/style set back from the road. Materials from the existing building would be used in the construction of the new properties and central drives would result in sufficient visibility to dispense with a build out onto Duthie Road. The site is within the boundaries of the conservation area and it is accepted that planning consent may be difficult to obtain, however as the new properties will be in line with the Bakery House and of traditional construction it may be possible to amend the planning consent. Voting revealed 4 in favour of the new proposal and 2 against. The Community Council would wish to consult local residents before commenting on the plans. Bob to contact Billy Massie and Ian to contact Jack. The architect is to discuss the comments raised with his client and the Planning Department and report back to a future meeting. |
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Aberdeenshire Sports Council An information pack encouraging clubs to join the Sports Council and investigate funding through it is in the box for anyone wishing to read it. |
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Code of Conduct A recent report to Aberdeenshire Council, in relation to the Councillors Code of conduct and instances of bullying including definitions of harassment, is in the box. |
Reports A Countryside access meeting John Thomson attended the workshop, which was split into 3 groups with Council representatives. Consideration was given to the needs of ramblers, cyclists, horse-riders and the signage of paths and definitions of walkways. Everyone had agreed that there should be sensible use of the countryside. A newsletter will be issued in due course. Overall it was felt to be a constructive meeting although no landowners were present. Councillor Johnston confirmed that they had been invited but chose not to attend. B Budget briefing meeting Councillor Johnston will attend a budget briefing on 19 December and will report back at the next meeting. C Police seminar Ian Massie and Bob Davidson attended. It was a constructive meeting grouped by area. There is no community officer at Tarves now although Sgt Fiona Barren has been allocated the Tarves area and is aware of the issues relating to Tarves. She will attend Community Council meetings or send someone to cover in her absence. The main problems in Tarves at present are seen to be underage drinking and vandalism. Whilst additional officers are in training, it will be approximately 2 years before they will be available. Only 200 officers are on duty in the area at any time, and although there is supposed to be 24-hour cover from Ellon this is not always the case. Oldmeldrum has been taken over by Ellon, from Inverurie, resulting in the area from the Toll of Birness to Daviot being covered by 3 officers. It was noted that there are staff shortages at the Ellon Constabulary resulting in inadequate cover compared to other areas. Historically this area has been under-funded. Tarves Community Council to write to Jim Wallace at the Scottish Executive to highlight the issue. Ellon Young Peoples Project recently did a sketch of a typical Friday/Saturday night and the problems recognised were seen to be typical of the area. |
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Any Other Competent Business A prowler has been spotted in Bede Way – male, tall, wearing dark clothing. Connection of tree lights to streetlights costs £55 per socket (Hydro Electric) and Formartine Partnership would pay up to £25 per socket towards the cost of installations. Funding is likely to be insufficient to meet demand. Rural Youth Transport Grants have been awarded to various projects approx. £800 still available. Life Project – Farmers Market on 24 January in Tarves open to farmers encouraging production from market (NFU and SAC involved in this initiative). Next Partnership meeting is on January 17th. A new bin should be arriving in The Square shortly. Bob Davidson has notified Aberdeenshire Council of the new correspondence address. |
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Details of the next meeting The next meeting will be held on 15 January 2002 at 7.00 p.m. in Tarves School. Community Council meetings are always open to the public. |