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Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21st May 2002
In Tarves School at 7.30pm
1 - Present: Bob Davidson (Chair), John Thomson (Vice Chair), Sam Andrew, Dick Reville, Ian Massie, Colin Taylor, Jenny Wagstaff, Linda Mackie (minutes), Ros Deane
Also Present: Councillor Paul Johnston, Alison Leith (Ellon Advertiser), 3 members of the public
Apologies: Donny Chisholm, Karen Cooper-Bonner, Gordon Brown
2 - Waste Management Future Practices
Bob welcomed Jack Clark from Aberdeenshire Council’s Planning and Environmental Services Department. The following points were made:
A directive has been passed which says that the amount of organic (biodegradable) waste to landfill must be reduced by 25% by 2010, by 50% by 2013 and by 75% by 2020
These suggested amounts are based on the amount of waste that was reported to have gone to landfill in 1995 - a reduction of 25% will be a major task and will involve more recycling and a reduction in the amount of waste produced.
CFC gasses already extracted from refrigerants now must be removed from fridges and freezers as well; regulations are now in place which mean that motor vehicles cannot be scrapped but must be taken apart and all parts disposed of safely; all electrical equipment will have to be taken apart, the components segregated and disposed of separately from other household waste.
The cost of acquiring a licence for putting waste into landfill is increasing.
People’s behaviour must change and quickly - waste will have to be separated for recycling, and despite a grant of £50 million it is acknowledged that change will not be easy.
The proposed method for encouraging change is 3-fold and includes
SUPPORT - through purchase of more recycling vehicles and manpower for vehicles and recycling centres. There is currently a 3-year experiment going on at the moment where composters, wormeries and shredders have been provided to householders. The average 18kg of waste produced per household, per week, has been reduced to an average of 3kg.
EDUCATE - through employing area officers and through major education and awareness campaign.
KERB SIDE RECYCLING SERVICE in more densely populated areas and move from weekly to fortnightly collections for different kinds of recyclable waste. (It is expected that 20% of remote households will not get kerbside collection).
But there is not always a reliable market for recyclable waste. The reuse of glass bottles is not cost efficient. Certain types of plastic can be reprocessed in England but transport is expensive. The price of newspaper for recycling is volatile.
When asked what was being done at government level to reduce packaging Mr Clark said that targets are already in place to encourage reduction, recycling and recovery of waste packaging but many companies pay another company to take responsibility for this. It would be beneficial if the government gave tax incentives to create demand for recycled material.
2 composting units are already in existence and it is hoped that a third will be built.
Bob thanked Mr Clark very much for coming to talk to us.
3 -Minutes of April Meeting
4 - Matters Arising
Melvin Hall Noticeboard - no progress, but existing notice board is showing signs of wear. Sandy Davidson to attend to this.
Potholes -
Development within Conservation Area -
Ythsie Development -
Plans -
Tourism Group
Motor bikes
‘No dogs’
Castle trail
Project Grant
BBC Scotland
Mill of Tolquhon
Dog Walk -
Braiklay crossroads
5 -Barthol Chapel Matters
Water main issue on old school site being dealt with by a group of local residents.
Bus shelter
6 - Village Orderley
Village Orderly post to be created for Tarves and Pitmedden for 6 months of the year. Members were asked to let Linda have their suggestions for Village Orderly duties before the end of the month so that she could pass these on to Keith Newton. It was suggested that 2 men covering 4 villages might make the job more attractive.
7 - Public Toilets
These are now open permanently and a key holder is needed to lock and unlock the building. Please give suggestions to Paul Johnston in the first instance.
8 - Conservation Area
Details of Tarves Conservation Area have been received from Sean Norman. These are to be copied and will be available from the Box.
9 - TRDA
Colin to report back to next meeting.
10- Roads, Paths and Signs
Most have already been dealt with, exceptions being those mentioned under matters arising, item 4
11- Village Notice Board
Has already been discussed.
12 -Planning Matters
Ythsie to be discussed at the next meeting.
Old Bakery
Duthie Road/Tolquhon Avenue
It was suggested that a letter should be written to the Ombudsman detailing the Community Council’s disappointment with the way in which applications in or adjacent to the Conservation Area have been dealt. But it was decided that Bob should write to George Chree of Planning Department in the first instance, inviting him to future meeting to explain why little reference appears to have been made to planning guidelines, the conservation area, roads department regulations and Historic Scotland in considering planning applications. Also it was felt that the lack of detail and poor access to plans should be brought to his attention. And with the future developments at the Old Bakery and the Smiddy, both of which are in the conservation area, it was felt that a full explanation of what is and is not acceptable in a conservation area should be sought.
It was brought to the Community Council’s attention that the plans approved in 1995 for plot 1 (a copy is attached) were for a house almost identical to the one next door - Eastfield. The planning officers make reference to these papers but no mention is made that the current plans vary greatly from the original ones, the only similarity being the use of wet harl.
12 -Reports
Community Safety - now have a website at www.aberdeenshirecommunitysafety.org.uk.
Formartine Partnership
13- Correspondence
An anonymous letter was received from a resident. Anonymous letters cannot be dealt with. It was pointed out that an operator’s licence is needed for 7½ ton (and above) lorries and regulations apply but not for a vehicle below that weight.
A letter of resignation
Formartine Area Committee Information Bulletin
Community Safety booklet
Paths for All Partnership information
Aberdeen and Grampian Tourism Strategy
14 - AOCB
The bus shelter is in need of repair - Paul to see to this.
The water supply
The football club
The next meeting of the Community Council will be held on Tuesday 18th June 2002 at 7.30pm in the school. Meetings are always open to the public.