Tarves Community Council
Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 10th October 2006
Tarves School 7.00pm
Members Present: Sam Andrew, Gordon Brown, Keith Crichton, Bob Davidson (Chair), David Leslie, Ian Massie, Dick Reville (Treasurer) and Colin Taylor.
Non Members Present: Councillor Paul Johnston and 2 members of the public.
Apologies: John Thomson, Jonathan Boughey, George Hall and Emma Cameron.
Police Report
There was no police present. Bob has written to Inspector Pratt informing him that the police are very welcome to attend TCC meetings and collect minutes. He advised that George Hall will be back as the Community Beat Officer and will start to attend meetings.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Sam Andrew and seconded by Keith Crichton with all members in agreement.
Matters Arising
Bakery – Access off Mackie Ave. Members and local residents had a meeting with Graham Steele (Roads) and Gordon Daniels (Property). There is an anomaly with the width of the requested lane access on the plan and the width in reality. Paul to clarify with Planning. Also concern re. future of the mature tree situated on part of the requested access route, Bob to ask for its protection.
Footnote for info. - Roads had stated during the Planning Application consultation that the Duthie Road access should be chamfered to improve visibility. Planning had ignored this and the owners subsequently decided the access was not suitable and requested a vehicular access off Mackie Ave.
Bus Lay-by, Square – Bob replied to John Shinnie explaining that TCC preference is a 4 sided bus shelter like the one we currently have and that there would be no problem for wheelchair access. It is also preferred that the new shelter be erected on the same site at the square.
Buses Outside School – Graham Steele has been out and seen the problem with cars parking opposite the school and the bus stop. It would be possible to put zigzags opposite school, from the bakery to Tolquhon Ave.
Area Committee – Bob has written to Ann Callaghan at the Scottish Executive informing her of Aberdeenshire Council’s refusal of CC’s right to speak at Area Committee meetings.
Lights in square – lights in the Square still need repaired. Paul is chasing the Council on this.
Leask House – CC asked to consider becoming Trustees. Paul to get name of someone who can give legal advice in Trust Law. Bob to request the books.
Old School House – Bob to write to the owner over the state of the garden.
Barthol Chapel Matters
No representative for Barthol Chapel present.
Committee Reports
Haddo Country Park regeneration – had meeting to discuss the possibility of turning into a limited company to get lottery funding. TCC and Methlick CC would have a seat on the board. The National Trust also has representation on the board.
A.C. Local Member’s Report
‘The Grange’ Duthie Road – Draft Development Brief. Paul advised that Aberdeenshire wanted the CC to give this consideration to make sure the Brief is what the Community wants and needs, and set up a public consultation. Boundaries and number of affordable houses in the Development Brief is different from the application we received. Paul advised that Geo Thermal Power has also been raised at the FAC meeting and may go into development brief.
Bakery – there was a site meeting at the bakery to discuss the access from Mackie Avenue. It’s impossible to have access outlined in the plan because of the position of the tree and garage opposite. This must be resolved because it’s not possible to do what they have asked permission for. The tree should be protected, Bob to contact regarding putting a possible preservation on the tree.
Braiklay Traffic Calming – the work to put the traffic calming in place is about to start. Patching the pot holes should be done at the same time.
B999 – work has started on patching the B999. Paul to check that the collapsed water gully and work on Kirk Brae are on the list.
Craigdam – the road edging has been repaired and the reflectors have been replaced. Not had the chance to speak to the resident about the boulders as yet.
Corner at Auquorthies – Paul advised that a vehicle went off the road at this renowned bad spot (as CC members had predicted might happen). He will speak to the council to put the reflectors back in and ask for gate to be kept closed
School Extension – another meeting was held but no new proposal was suggested. It was advised that there was unlikely to be capital allocated to extend the school in this financial year. This leaves Tarves with limited options as the kitchen and serving area desperately need upgraded. School Board to speak with TCC on a way forward. Need to meet quickly to work together on this. Bob to organise a meeting with School Board, Ian and Colin also to attend. The importance of ensuring that kitchen staff and teachers are consulted was noted as all too often Aberdeenshire overlooks those who will have to work in the new building.
Roads, Paths and Signs
B999 – work on patching the road has started on the B999.
Recycle Site – still waiting on the sign.
Pot Holes – Paul to chase Roads again about repairing pot holes.
Matters Outstanding
Noticeboard – Keith advised that the noticeboard will cost £395 + vat and will be the same design as the one in Barthol Chapel. All were happy and agreed to progress and get it made. CC members who are also on the Melvin Hall Committee to report this to full Committee.
Tarves Web Site – Keith to ask a member of the Community to keep the site up to date.
Planning Matters
Water Pumping Station (at foot of Manse Brae) – According to Gerry Main, A.C. Planning Inspector this is permitted development (Development by Statutory Undertakers – Scottish Water) and as such did not require planning permission or local consultation. Bob to write to Scottish Water regarding lack of consultation, possible screening.
Youth Hall Roof – decision notice received accepting the corrugated sheeting. The acceptance by Planners of the use of metal sheet at both the Aberdeen Arms (new house in car park) and the Bakery may have influenced the material permitted on the Hall roof.
38 Bede Way – extension to dwelling house at 38 Bede Way. No concerns.
Aberdeen Arms – approval for demolition of garage and erection of dwellinghouse. Decision notice showing full planning permissions now granted with conditions attached.
Newseat of Tolquhon Cottage – Extension to Dwelling Bob drafted a response which was circulated and all members were happy with the content. It was noted that an application at Craigies Cottage after lengthy negotiations with Planners was not permitted to have the ridge height higher than the existing, as is proposed at Newseat.
The Grange Duthie Road. Development Statement received, it didn’t contain that much information, now superseded by Draft Development Brief. It was agreed that CC’s response to the Planning Application would not be submitted until the Development Brief is finalised and approved. Drainage info awaited.
Decision Notices – Bob wrote to Planning regarding decision notices not being sent. Decision notices are now being sent.
Consultation on Gambling Act 2005.
Playground equipment leaflet.
Waterwatch Scotland leaflets for distribution.
Copy of plans for Scottish Water Infrastructure for Tarves.
Aberdeenshire Council Public Performance Report 2004/05.
REACH out and Learn – REACH Programme.
Old Tennis Court – there was an enquiry about the ‘old tennis court’ and the possibility of it being sold to turn into a car compound for the adjacent Garage business. Bob advised that it was sold to TCC for community use and that we can’t sell it. A previous approach by the bowling club to purchase it was turned down. However community not using it so could be leased out and the proceeds put for community use. Could try to accommodate parking for the bowling as well. Need to think about how to lease it. Will get advice and get back to each other.
Zone 98 – congratulations to Zone 98 who were short listed for a prize for Curbing Anti-Social Behaviour. (Nominated by CC). Bob to mention in church magazine.
Playgroup – unsure if Playgroup is to stay in the Youth Hall long term. Could put into the report for the school extension to include the playgroup.
Plans for School Extension – discussion about whether to get plans drawn up for the school extension to back up the argument. Colin to ask local architect.
Flower Show Committee – holding a concert next March to celebrate 60 years. They have asked TCC to get a guest singer. Bob to make enquiries.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st November 2006 in Tarves School at 7.00pm. Community Council meetings are always open to the public.
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