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Tarves Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 12th December 2006
In Tarves School at 7.00pm
Members Present
:Sam Andrew, Jonathan Boughey, Gordon Brown, Bob Davidson (Chair and Minutes), Dick Reville (Treasurer) and Colin Taylor (latterly).
Non Members Present
:George Hall, Grampian Police.
Keith Crichton, David Leslie, Ian Massie, John Thomson, Steve Pratt and Councillor Paul Johnston.
Police Report
– George Hall from Ellon was welcomed to the meeting. Members were pleased to have George back as Community "Bobby". George reported that foot patrols were being increased in Tarves and under age drinking was being targeted. Vandalism is also being addressed and recent break ins are still being followed up. There was discussion on the Police call centre (0845 600 5 700) and it was agreed that it wasn’t ideal particularly if you wanted to speak to your local station. George said for those who wished to contact him about non urgent matters could use e-mail george.hall@grampian.pnn.police.uk. George said he would speak with Traffic about the accidents between Wedderlairs and Thornroan.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
(21st November 2006)Minutes were proposed by Gordon and seconded by Sam, with all members in agreement. (subject to amendments - Jonathan was present and dates corrected)
Barthol Chapel Matters
Viewfield – There was still no update on this application/appeal.
Bob attended the meeting at Barthol Chapel school on 22nd to discuss the proposed Wind Turbines. The meeting heard from John Lind, Balgove, one of the Developers, who gave a detailed summary of the proposals and answered questions. He also indicated that he would like to see benefits from Developer contributions going to Barthol Chapel. The Developer then had to leave the meeting, after which there was general discussion where various concerns were raised from neighbours and attendees. A vote was taken on the proposal as a whole (including Haddo and Denhill) which saw 26 against and 6 with no objections. No vote was taken on individual applications or only those in the Tarves area.
Mackie Bruce (BCCA) who chaired the meeting expressed concern at just recently finding out about the applications. This was not accurate as BCCA had been informed and had discussed the proposals at their September meeting.
A sub – committee has been formed by objectors and various literature is being produced. Initially objectors wanted TCC to host a public meeting however this is no longer requested. It was agreed that TCC would await formal feedback from BCCA and also to ascertain whether the developer has formalised his intentions for Community benefits for Barthol Chapel. Item to be discussed further at next meeting.
Bob has written to BC School re their excellent HMI reports.
Matters arising (from minutes
)Bakery – No response from Jane Whyte - Bob to chase up and query whether iron gates in front will open inwards or out onto pavement
Bus Lay-by, Square – Paul is progressing this, should be a decision soon.
Car Parking Opposite School – No funding currently available from Safer Routes to school budget for Traffic Order. May be available next year
Lights in Square – Survey of condition in the programme.
Legal Contacts – Leask House - Paul to find out a contact with experience in Trust Law. Arthur will get the books to members soon.
Old School House – Bob still to write to owner.
Public Consultation meeting 14th Nov. on Draft Development Brief for Land to South of Duthie Road.
Forms given to AC Local Plan Team. Item at FAC, little time for TCC response, unsure if received before Committee.
Kirk Magazine
Difficulty in establishing costs and outlay needed.
Trump International Golf - no TCC members attended meeting.
A.C. Budget Briefing meeting 27/11 – Dick reported that Aberdeenshire were still seeking more SE funding and there is to be a call centre opened in Fraserburgh to deal with ‘shire residents queries.
Haddo Choir – It was reported that the Choir had done really well at the finals and had received considerable sponsorship, Methlick CC hadn’t been asked for a contribution. It was agreed that they should ask Tarves Community Club, not the Community Council. Community Planning Officer (Lorna Harris) - may invite her to March 07 meeting.
Countryside Alliance - Campaign to save Post Offices – Bob to write to support this.
Local member’s Report
(TBC at next meeting)Corner at Auquhorthies –Paul to update at next meeting.
Braiklay Ave Traffic Calming Scheme nearing completion. Still potholes to do.
School Extension No progress.
Bakery Awaiting a response from Planning re access arrangements.
Roads, Paths and Signs
- Numerous potholes need repaired – Kirk Brae, Braiklay Ave, The Square, New Road etc, still a couple at Sonach junction. Gully sunken in Kirk Brae, Bob to contact Paul as Stuart Macfarlane (Roads) doesn’t respond often.Recycling sign still awaited.
Christmas light connections now fitted to streetlights in Manse Brae.
Matters outstanding
Noticeboard Keith had advised that this is being progressed, joiner now has material.
Tarves Website - Keith still to ask re someone to maintain.
Planning Matters
The Grange Duthie Road - Information on drainage not yet received. It was agreed to respond once this arrived and Development Brief was agreed. Burnside of Keillyford – Erection of Workshop, Garage and Granny Flat on two floors. More info received. Agreed response to include that proposal was not in line with policy as it creates a new dwellinghouse in the countryside with no justification given to date. Water Pumping Station – Manse Brae – Scottish Water responded stating that the project has nothing to do with them it is a private scheme until they adopt it. – Bob has written to Gerry Main explaining this, Reply awaited. Newseat of Tolquhon Cottages -App. Decision awaited recommended Grant. Shethin Bothy – FPP for erection of Replacement Dwellinghouse and Garage. A letter of concern was received from a neighbour and a member had been contacted by another resident. Both had concerns re Drainage, Private water, Access and visual impact and size of house. After discussion it was agreed to include these points in CC’s formal response to Planners, as members considered them legitimate and relevant in planning terms.Correspondence
Rural Housing Enable – Invite to meeting in February re providing housing in rural areas. Decision Notice for Warldsend Mill (conversion to dwellinghouse). Grampian Fire and Rescue - Info on reducing the impact – road traffic accidents.AOCB
Haddo Country Park Regeneration – Dick reported Constitution still to be approved and a Lottery application was being looked into. TCC 2007 dates agreed and list will be e-mailed to members. Traffic Calming - Braiklay Ave. It was reported that there was too big a space in the middle of the road between humps allowing cars to continue at speed.Community Council meetings are always open to the public
Above minutes approved at TCC meeting on January 16th 2007, proposed by Sam Andrew and seconded by Gordon Brown.
Robert P. Davidson