Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 13th February 2007
In Tarves School at 7.00pm
Members Present:
Sam Andrew, Gordon Brown, Keith Crichton, Bob Davidson, (Chair and Minutes) Ian Massie, Dick Reville (Treasurer), Colin Taylor and John Thomson.
Non Members Present:
Councillor Paul Johnston (latterly), Mackie Bruce BCCA and 3 members of the public.
Apologies: Jonathan Boughey, David Leslie and Steve Pratt, Grampian Police.
Police Report Inspector Steve Pratt from Ellon had sent his apologies and reported that all was quiet in the Tarves area. Bob has written to NESCAMP re safety on the Tullo to St. Katherines stretch of the A947. Response not very constructive. Bob will write again.
Barthol Chapel Matters
Viewfield There was still no update on this application/appeal.
Planning Maters (1)
Methlick Farmers Wind Turbines App. Representatives from BCCA sub committee addressed the meeting, outlining their concerns as submitted in their formal response to Planners. (this had been copied to CC members). Their numerous concerns were noted after which they left the meeting. General discussion ensued and it was resolved that a formal representation would be submitted in respect of the applications within the Tarves area. This would include concerns about height, impact on the landscape and to query the appropriateness of the distance from the settlement of Barthol Chapel. In recognition of the lottery like Planning system it was agreed that a realistic approach to the possibilities that the applications would be approved would be taken and as such the formal response would include areas where developer contributions and compensation for the effects of the developments could be utilised for the benefit of the community of Barthol Chapel. Examples were Kirk and local unadopted roads and (if an annual contribution was available) the School.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes were proposed by John and seconded by Ian, with all members in agreement.
Matters arising (from minutes )
Mackie Avenue Affordable Housing Several CC members and Councillor Johnston attended a meeting with Janelle Clark and Elaine Blaine to try to progress the project. Janelle stated that she had only recently been made aware of the project, this despite it being reported to Formartine Area Committee and various other officials. It was agreed that due to the delays in progress that up to date figures were required and info on financing the project. TCC to contact Greig Munro and to hopefully report back to Janelle and Elaine in the next 2 months.
Bakery Still no response from Jane Whyte Both Paul and Bob have asked, Paul has asked for plans of the proposed access .It was noted that the old ovens building had been demolished and rebuilt and no permission exists for this. Bob to ask Area Manager to get a response from Planners.
Bus Lay-by, Shelters in Square Works ongoing.
Car Parking Opposite School No funding currently available from Safer Routes to school budget for Traffic Order. May be available in future
Legal Contacts Leask House - Paul to find out a contact with experience in Trust Law. Arthur will get the books to members soon.
Old School House Bob still to write to owner.
Community Planning Officer (Lorna Harris) will attend March meeting.
All Weather Court - Lights need repaired no money currently available.
Local members Report
Corner at Auquhorthies Paul waiting for roads response, update at next meeting.
School Extension - Bob asked for inclusion in Formartine Area Plan. Education Network Manager has written indicating her support and stating that she has been given assurance by officers involved that any works will take account of disability legislation. There is to be a meeting in March which CC rep(s) will attend to progress matters.
Bakery Awaiting a response from Planning re access arrangements.
Roads Issues - Numerous potholes need repaired (Almost every street in village) Kirk Brae, Braiklay Ave, The Square, Mackie Avenue, Tree Road, New Road etc, still a couple at Sonach and now Raxton junction. Gullies sunken in Kirk Brae and Braiklay Ave. Paul has been in contact with Stuart Macfarlane (Roads) and work will be done along with bus lay-by in Square. Paul will update Roads of the latest sites
Roads, Paths and Signs
Repairs as listed in above report as well as;-
Recycling sign still awaited.
Dick to enquire about signs for village entrances re Formartine in bloom.
Uppermill road/B999 Graeme Steel has agreed to take a look at this road and the passing places.
Matters outstanding
Noticeboard - This has now been finished by joiner who also supplied the materials for the job. Bob has delivered it to Dick who will fit aluminium to back to keep water out, liaise with Ian re fitting at Hall.
Tarves Website - Keith to ask re someone to maintain, Paul may know someone.
Committee Reports
Haddo Country Park Regeneration Representative from Lottery has visited the Park.
Planning Matters (2)
Dinneswood FPP for Erection of new Dwellinghouse. Consultation had been received after Jan meeting and Planners wished for a response before Feb meeting. Members were contacted and a generally supportive response has been submitted. Although not in line with Policy, mitigating circumstances were accepted as it supports an existing business and would be subject to an agreement attaching it to the nearby Coach Hire business. The applicant had been in contact with the Chairman requesting to address members, however it was pointed out that the response had already been agreed and would be submitted prior to our Feb meeting.
23 Mackie Ave FPP Erection of Boundary Fence. Ian declared an interest as he knew the applicant fairly well and did not take part in the debate. After discussion it was agreed that although members were aware of neighbours concerns, it would be inappropriate to comment and that the Planning service would address any potential problems. Aberdeen Arms/ Old Aberdeen Road FPP for Amended Design (External materials). It was agreed to object to this application as the proposed yellowish brown cement render and galvanised rainwater goods are inappropriate for a house in the Conservation Area and within the curtilage of a listed building. It was noted that permission exists for the new house with dry dash harling and black painted cast iron rainwater goods, similar to the Heritage Centre.
The Grange Duthie Road - formal response has been submitted generally supportive.
Boudiestone - It was noted that the refused application for a new dwellinghouse at this site was now subject of an appeal to SE.
Burnside of Keillyford It was noted that FAC had granted permission for the Workshop and Granny flat subject to conditions.
The following applications were discussed and it was agreed no comments would be made;- Site 1 Little Ythsie;- New Dwellinghouse - FPP for Reserved matters, Nethermill Farm; FPP for erection of GP Shed, 6 The Square; FPP Replacement windows (timber), Shethin Farmhouse; FPP for Internal Alterations, 10 Old Aberdeen Road; Alterations/ Extension to Dwellinghouse - Revised drawings showing swept/cat slide style dormer.
Tarves Football Club Decision notice has been issued granting permission for level improvements.
Local Access Forum - John to attend meeting in Inverurie, will raise issue of access road to Prop of Ythsie Prop of Ythsie Maintenance Following concerns raised by Chairman a survey has been done and identified that the Prop needs re-pointing and an estimate has been prepared by officers. There is no budget for repairs and Keith Newton has been asked to look into this. AOCB - a resident had expressed concern at people using the bottle bank in the late hours. It was agreed that there was little that could be done about this.
The next meeting is on Tuesday 20th March 2007 in Tarves School at 7.00pm.
Community Council meetings are always open to the public.
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