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Draft |
Tarves Community Council Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 20th November 2007 In Tarves School at 7.00pm.
Members Present: R. Davidson (Chair), G. Brown, K. Crichton, D. Leslie, I. Massie, B. McPetrie, D. Reville, C. Taylor and J. Thomson (Vice Chair).
Apologies: S. Andrew, J. Boughey, also Norma Dougall, Inspector Pratt and all Mid Formartine members who were attending FAC meeting on Trump new village/golf resort.
Also Present: 1 member of the public. Member Co-option deferred to a future meeting.
Minutes of Previous Meeting (9th October 2007): Minutes were proposed by John and seconded by Colin, with all members in agreement.
Barthol Chapel Matters BCCA Minutes Copy now received and circulated to TCC. Road repairs are not being done, trees are now trimmed. Jon has contact details for Ellon police who are now aware of the issues previously reported to TCC. Bob attended BCCA meeting on 14th Nov, which was held to try to agree officials, however no nominees. Jonathan has since agreed to be Chair, Bill Kelly remains as Treasurer. Some issues still to be discussed between new BCCA officials and TCC.
Matters Arising from Minutes Mackie Ave. Affordable Housing There is to be a meeting before the final submission date and time to be advised. Car Parking Opposite School Chair to enquire re progress of Traffic order. All Weather Court 2 lights now ok, 2 still to be seen to Colin to see electrician. Community Newsletter (TBC News) Concern re timing of articles from TCC, it was agreed that a rota would be solution, JT to send next article. - articles, etc. to be sent to Moira Allan, 36 Bede Way, Tarves, or tbc@tarves.org.uk The Hut (Zone 98) Confirmation of insurance arrangements awaited from Neil. Colin to pursue this and grant applications from Area Top-Up. Progressing. School Extension AC local members to lobby for this to be prioritised as a matter of urgency, due to the condition of the Horsa hut building. No Progress reportedfrom Cllrs Gifford, Hendry and Loveday. Johnstonhas requested action from Director of Education. The Hut Representation at CC - is thought possible, Action - CT School Nursery Storage container now in place. Extra costs incurred due to the ramp, Councillor P. Johnston is monitoring this Aberdeen Scotch Meat Factory - Late Response from Stewart Stevenson MSP. 2 Tarves Website Currently being updated. Anyone who wishes an item to be included on website, particularly forthcoming events etc should contact Paul :pjohnston@cix.co.uk.
Matters Outstanding Noticeboards Braiklay Ave Recently vandalised - Glass replaced with perspex. which recent high wind has affected. Melvin Hall - Dick coating with preservative and Ian has brackets. Action DR, IM. Tarves Website Being updated contact Paul Johnston. Glebe Field Bob still to speak to farmer re. Moving gate. To do.
Committee Reports Haddo Country Park Public Meeting at Methlick on 14/11/07 and Tarves on 15/11/07. both could have been better attended, although press advertising was sparse. Some common responses were received from both venues, all of which will be considered, collated and available prior to future meeting possibly February 08. Formartine Partnership - Grant funds still available. JT to attend AGM 22/11.
Roads, Paths and Signs Shethin Area Concern re road edges becoming unsafe, partly due to regular Quarry traffic from/to Ardlethen. Action - Mid Formartine members. reports of speeding tipper lorries on this road Chair to inform Inspector Pratt. Smiddyhill/Cairnbrogie crossroads Sign will be erected here to depict Oldmeldrum, but no signs for Tarves from Oldmeldrum incl. By-pass - Chair to query. Disabled spaces in Square Roads dept. are assessing provision currently. Potholes in Square etc Due to NO PROGRESS by Mid Formartine members, Chair to write to AC Chief Executive. Streetlights still to be repaired Tree Road. White Lines - It was agreed that if consulted TCC would oppose removal of white lines as members did not consider this to be conducive to road safety.
Correspondence Letter from Mackie Bruce (Former Chair BCCA). Due to personal nature of the content of this letter, Chair requested that Vice Chair deal with it and withdrew from the debate and left the room. John chaired this discussion and members agreed a response to Mr. Bruce - Vice Chair to draft and send. Aberdeen Scotch Meat Factory Planning Appeal. Response received at last from Minister Stewart Stevenson. No action possible due to Reporters decision being issued before Minister got round to responding. Chair to respond querying the method of action by the Reporter and the inaccuracies in his report. Copy concerns to Alex Salmond and register CCs disappointment at the lack of a timeous response Ythsie/B999 junction Chair requested Mid Formartine members to progress this and other issues at Ythsie Action from Johnston and Hendry, Gifford in agreement with this, No Response from Loveday. AC Insurance for CCs info. Paul to review and report. Scottish Water Bob contacted SW re green pumping station. This is not yet adopted. Agreed to request screening and mention road flooding. Action Chair. 3 Community Planning David to review Western Peripheral Route Bob sent a public question to FAC re concerns on how traffic is to access from the B999 and asking them to urge action. Response awaited. Ashire and Moray Public Transport guide, Scottish Landscape Forum Brochure. Meldrum A2B Bus service (01224 665599), Ashire Community Planning info. Hollyrood info on Working with media, Building homes for Scotland. Ashire Sports Council info, Aberdeen Forward (David to review). Letters from Piers Blaxter (City and Shire Structure Plan), Polling district and Places review (Chair to respond), Gordon Daniels re Bakery access lane (Chair to reply), Drinks Licensing consultation too short notice!
Planning Matters Den Of Keithfield Reinstatement of and Extension to Dwellinghouse Agreed to object to Design, materials, loss of trees etc. Query drainage and amount of trees. Maryville Unanimous decision to refuse permission at FAC. Concern expressed by locals at the Report to FAC being misleading. . Raxton Lodge, Tarves Listed building consent requested for replacement windows. It was noted that Historic Scotland had objected to the double glazing. Aberdeen Arms House in Car Park (amendments to conditions re. External material) monocouche and galv. Rainwater goods DPEA reporter has visited site The Old Hall, Barthol Chapel had requested plans for BCCA to view at meeting on 14th. Members present at this meeting were unaware of his request and didnt wish to view plans or discuss. Planning Officer considers plans acceptable CC agreed no further response required. Following apps dealt with in interim period by Sub Committee;- Hillhead of Tulloford - Alterations and Extension Considered to be an improvement to the existing range of buildings/extensions. Mosshead Steading Amended plans General support, requested that drainage arrangements are finalised and included on plans.
AOCB TCC 2008 Dates - List agreed. Prop of Ythsie Maintenance NO PROGRESS Request Mid Formartine members to take action. _ Chair to ask. Little Park Goalposts have been removed Paul to progress return Village enhancement grant Dick/Sam to apply for this for Village gateway signs. Grit Box Dick liaising with Roads re siting closer to Square. South Ythsie Landraise - Concern re method of working no area appears to be being completed action Mid Formartine members. Last but not least, dog fouling PLEASE clear up after your dog. The above minutes were approved at TCC meeting on Tuesday 11th December 07 in Tarves School. Robert P. Davidson Chairman.
Community Council Meetings are always open to the public.
Robert P. Davidson Chairman.
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