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Community Council |
Present: Also Present: AC Councillors, A Hendry, P Johnston, J Loveday, Lynn Brown (Ellon Police), and one member of the public. Apologies:
Police Report Lynn Brown reported that Ian Clark now has a bike and will be patrolling locally. Thefts are on the increase, particularly quad and off road motor bikes and diesel from HGVs.
of Previous Meeting
(22nd July 2008)
Barthol Chapel Matters. Balgove junction is to be repaired; members requested that AC Councillors present insist on no kerbs being installed as this was considered to be a waste of money. Also request that drain half way up hill is fixed.
Matters Arising from Minutes Bakery - Chair to consult with Planning Aid. AC Insurance for CC’s – A report is to go to September FAC following investigation of the issues surrounding the mass resignation of Belhelvie CC. Following this there should be discussion at CC Forum. It is disappointing that AC has to date given no assurance that CCs are protected from the threat of legal action over Planning app. responses. All Weather Court — 2 lights now ok, 2 still to be seen to - Colin to progress. Community
Newsletter (TBC News) - articles,
etc. to be sent to Moira Allan, 36 Bede Way, Tarves, or email
Matters Outstanding Prop of Ythsie – Info received via Shaun Norman indicating that AC do not consider the work required to repoint the Prop as a priority, despite being over a year since being initially reported. Chair to contact H. S. Noticeboards - Braiklay Ave - Repairs now completed Western Peripheral Route/B999 link. Comprehensive answer from FAC awaited
Roads. Paths and Signs B999/Tolquhon Road. Resurfacing work now complete on B999 at Dinneswood (Vast improvement). Unfortunately drainage works to prevent water run off from Tolquhon road onto B999 and clearing the blocked drain nearby not done. Councillor Loveday argued that the work had been done, however members disputed this and were annoyed at the opportunity being missed to do the long awaited works whilst the road was closed. Replacement of Lanterns in Square: - It was agreed to use Village enhancement grant towards replacing lanterns in Square. Report requesting Area top up funding to go to FAC in September. Tree Road, Raxton junction potholes – repairs need to be completed, some areas not been looked at. Walls around Square - Shaun Norman AC finding out about repairing the walls around the Square which remain in a poor state.
Assoc. of C Councils – Consultation Draft of New Constitution – S Andrew to respond Aberdeenshire Council – Area Manager/FAC – Chair has e-mailed Mr. Newton and asked him to clarify the proceedings/outcome of negotiations re Mains of Tolquhon lay bys. – No response. AC - info on Developer contributions for Tarves CC area – More information required from AC. Information on; - AWPR PLI, Planning Aid, Draft Structure Plan, Data Commissioner. Ellon Tourism Group meeting 1st September. CC Forum Woodhill House meeting 25th August – Dick to attend. Malcolm Bruce MP Response indicating that he had asked the Data Commissioner to look into reducing the registration fee. Commissioner had replied stating that the fee was a statutory amount but this may be reviewed.
Planning Matters Duthie Road – OPP for 15 dwellinghouses and 4 Affordable houses, Business Centre, Care Home etc and parking. Deemed Major App and as such Developers are expected to have had Pre App consultations. Members again discussed at length the proposals - general agreement that the allocated Employment site to the North of Duthie road was the place for the Business and Care home elements. Members would support siting on South only if it was formally demonstrated that the North side is definitely unavailable. No support for residential element at this time as a similar app had recently been rejected by DPEA Reporter, the CC having fairly recently responded to the appeal. Concern at the lack of progress to develop the corner site which has had Full permission since August last year. Still no further application for affordable housing on this site. Chair to draft response. 3
Maryville - dismissed appeal – Response from Christine Gore awaited. Auchnieve Steading FPP for erection of garage – acceptable with use of traditional matching materials. Hanover Court –FPP for Erection of Summerhouse – General support. Decision Notices (all approved) 13 Tree Road, Auquhorthies Croft, Kirk Brae, Craigie Ythanbank, The Steading Craigdam and 8 Affordable Houses at Duthie Webster Road.
AOCB Membership
Nominations Keith Newton to be asked to formalise
arrangements for after AGM Fairtrade Event CC agreed to co host an event for Fairtrade fairly soon. CDG it was reported that Meldrum Playgroup was having funding difficulties. Web site/TCC mail - tarves.org addresses for CC members and a central mail box now operational. Housing Land Audit Consultation – Braiklay Park factory site to be included in final figures to be published early October. Mackie Avenue Housing – Tarves Affordable Housing – A meeting was held with Rural Housing Enabler Emma Binns who is to help progress matters.
Dog Warden (Maureen Adam) – 01467 628683 Mobile — 07771 941982
Above minutes approved at TCC September 08 meeting in Tarves School.
Robert P. Davidson
Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public. |
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