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Tarves Community Council
Members Present: Also Present: AC Councillors J Gifford, A Hendry, P Johnston, Lord Aberdeen, Mark Andrew, Smokehouse Developer and two members of the public
Apologies: S Andrew, D Reville, N Dougall AC Councillor J Loveday.
Pre Application Consultation Development at Keithfield. Proposals for Development of a Smokehouse on Industrial land at Keithfield along with a Restaurant/Retail building at land beside Keithfield B999/B9170 junction were presented for discussion. The Ythan smokehouse will be expanded to create a possibility of up to 20 jobs full and part time with spin off to local businesses. The smokehouse will use locally produced meat, fish and game to serve in the Restaurant as well as supplying a wider area. The development would enhance tourism locally and would include woodland walks etc. and would retain Keithfields Tarves address.
Minutes of Previous Meeting (March 17th 2009)
Tarves Conservation Area Review:- CC Chairman attended Heritage AGM where it was agreed to set up a sub committee to look into the CA and its guidelines.
Barthol Chapel Matters. BCCA organised a meeting on the same night (tonight) as CC to discuss future development. CC chair had reminded Barthol Chapel residents of funding available from Planning Gain monies awaiting feedback.
Local Members Report:- All Weather Court The payment of electricity and maintenance will at the moment be the responsibility of Education and Leisure, it is on the Agenda for the next Committee Meeting to agree how this is to be dealt with in future Chair asked to check Community use will be allowed when this matter is discussed. Mackie Avenue: - 12 houses may be built on site by AC agreed at Policy and Resources. Matters Arising (from Minutes) Conservation Area Boundary - Chair had enquired as to what process was used to allow a new page to be inserted into online Local Plan showing a new map of CA. AC Policy and Environment Manager responded stating Local Plan was wrong. CC considers the boundary in the 2006 Local Plan had been as a result of considerable consultation and a Public Local Inquiry and as such has legal status. Chair to contact Area Manager. All Weather Court Tarves, along with other courts will be included in a report to go before Area Committee to establish a policy for future usage and maintenance. Community Newsletter (TBC News) - articles to be sent to Moira Allan, 36 Bede Way, Tarves, or tbc@tarves.org.uk. By Friday 15th May 09 - David L to send in CC article Local Plan Development Bids. Main Issues Report out soon CC will have meetings to consult with residents. Craigdam Development Bid - Neil reported that some residents considered this proposal to be backland development and there was concern about traffic impact. Matters Outstanding Prop of Ythsie Chair writing to Robert Gray regarding how it is to be maintained as no funding has been allocated - Chair invited Mr. Gray to come and discuss problem still awaiting date. Car Park is to be repaired soon. Streetlights around Square - Chair to find out completion date for new lanterns.
Roads. Paths and Signs Walls around Square - Ian has spoken to local tradesman awaiting confirmation to see if he would wish to do repairs and give suggestions for improvements. Graeme Steel AC is seeking feedback from TCC. Ian/Paul to liaise in progress Shethin Potholes being looked into some have already been seen to. AC Councillors were asked to enquire if Developer contributions funding from Ardlethen Quarry could be used to repair this road. Craigdam - Concerns raised about the state of the surface at Aquhorthies and the number of lorries using this road. It was noted that some were based in the area and had to use the road and others including numerous tippers could quite easily use an alternative. Chair to inform Inspector Pratt. Kirk brae pavement breaking up been inspected works order may be issued Tree Road - asking to be looked at again.
Correspondence Community Councillors Meeting: - Sat 16th May 09 10.30am Woodhill House, Aberdeen Meeting with Local MSPs. Richard Baker MSP Newsletter Parking/Crossing in Tarves letter from resident suggesting realigned pavement at Duthies/increased parking and Pedestrian Crossing. CC to enquire with Roads. Energy 4 All info on Community Wind Turbine projects. Premises Licensing Aberdeen Arms Hotel - Application for extended hours. - Some concerns raised by neighbour which can be overcome by some simple changes including using side door during late opening. Sub Committee responded due to deadline. Duthies of Tarves - Application for Off Sales 7 days a week. No later than 8pm (Mon to Sat) 10 am to 6 pm Sunday. Acceptable Chair to respond.
Planning Matters 7 Murray Ave. Alts and Ext to Dwellinghouse - acceptable. Mains of Cairnbrogie Wind Turbines Craigdam residents group response. All CC members who had viewed this document were concerned at the wording of some parts. Neil to review the submission. Tarves School No update on progress. AC Councillors asked to ensure soakaways are not used to avoid playpark/Hut being affected. Shethin Bothy, Tarves Appeal against condition on use of timber windows. Councillors Hendry and Gifford did not agree with the CCs and local residents concerns on drainage and accepted SEPAs recommendations. Approved (with conditions) House Extensions at Youllieburn Farmhouse, Hopeville, 10 Tree Rd, Old Balgove Farmhouse. Garage at The Granary, Nethermill. OPP for erection of new house and garage also Change of Use to Guest House and new garage, all at The Globe Inn, Duthie Road.
AOCB Leisurelend - It was agreed to join (around £40) there is a vast array of equipment available that would benefit local groups. Tarves Peoples Party Car wash. The Hut Members considered that local youngsters had done a great job on the Hut with numerous positive comments being received from residents. Local youngsters must take credit for this work. Affordable Housing - Duthie Webster Road - 3 still for sale Car park at the Prop Will be repaired soon, Path will be done in the summer Dog fouling in Childrens Play Area signage to be erected. Mains of Cairnbrogie Wind Turbines - Craigdam Residents met with Mr. Simmers and Cameron Sutherland from Greencat. Possibility of reducing numbers to 3 by removing one nearest Craigdam. Formal information of amended application from Planning needed before can be considered. Residents thought it was an improvement but did not address all the problems.
Dog Warden (Maureen Adam) 01467 628683 Mobile 07771 941982
These minutes were approved at TCC meeting on 19th May 09 in Tarves School.
Robert P. Davidson Chairman.
Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public.
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