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Tarves Community Council
Members Present: Also Present: AC Councillor J Loveday, Sgt Jim Hume and five members of the public.
Apologies: S Andrew, D Beattie, D Leslie, N Marr, D Reville, J Thomson, N Dougall AC Councillors J Gifford, P Johnston and J. Boughey (who were attending the BC Parent Council) and Insp. Pratt.
Police Report Sgt. Jim Hume reported that things are fairly quiet in the area. He advised that the 30mph speed limit on the B999 at the Tarves western entrance/exit was now formal and would be enforced. He agreed to request that speeds are monitored in Craigdam and noted that HGV tippers are also using this route unnecessarily.
Interruption Proceedings were interrupted by a member of the public who was concerned about an issue relating to BCCA. It is hoped that BCCA can resolve the issue raised.
Minutes of Previous Meeting (April 21st 2009)
Barthol Chapel Matters. BCCA has sent a copy of their response to the Development bid to TCC. This will now be considered by members. It was noted that there was considerable opposition to large scale development. CC chair had previously reminded Barthol Chapel residents of funding available from Planning Gain monies awaiting feedback.
Local Members Report:- Planning Reform was discussed at FAC more applications will be dealt with under Delegated powers. Changes to be made to system of objections. CC objections will still merit an application having to go to Area Committee. There is to be a review after a year. Committee Reports CDG John L reported that there is a busy summer programme including camps etc. Funding is in a more secure position currently.
Matters Arising (from Minutes) Conservation Area Boundary - Area Manager responded to query re boundary change suggesting that it was a mistake in the Local Plan. A similar unsatisfactory response was received from Andrew Carruthers. Chair to write to Chief Executive.
2 Local Plan Development Bids. Main Issues Report out soon CC will have meetings to consult with residents. Ythsie It was noted that there are now late bids at Ythsie for housing on 3 sites. There have been numerous objections received to date from nearby residents. Craigdam Development Bid Responses received - some residents considered this proposal to be backland development and there was concern about traffic impact. Affordable Housing A.C. are to progress methods for selling existing housing in Duthie Webster Road, possibly having a larger stake in the units for sale. Conservation Area Review Tarves Heritage are meeting soon and sub committee will be established along with CC members, Car park at the Prop Now repaired, Path will be done in the summer
Matters Outstanding Prop of Ythsie Chair writing to Robert Gray regarding how it is to be maintained as no funding has been allocated - Chair invited Mr. Gray to come and discuss problem still awaiting date. Car Park now repaired, path will be done in summer. Streetlights around Square Work ongoing CC agreed that dark green would be better colour for lanterns and posts. - Chair has asked Tarves Heritage to comment
Roads. Paths and Signs Mackie Avenue It was noted that the road is now open through to Duthie Webster Road. Need for a speed table beside future playpark also trees to remove. JL to seek speed table. Walls around Square - Ian has spoken to local tradesman awaiting confirmation to see if he would wish to do repairs and give suggestions for improvements. Graeme Steel AC is seeking feedback from TCC. Ian/Paul to liaise in progress Shethin Potholes being looked into some have already been seen to. AC Councillors were asked to enquire if Developer contributions funding from Ardlethen Quarry could be used to repair this road. Craigdam - Concerns raised about the state of the surface at Aquhorthies and the number of lorries using this road. It was noted that some were based in the area and had to use the road and others including numerous tippers could quite easily use an alternative. Kirk brae pavement breaking up been inspected works order may be issued Tree Road - asking to be looked at again.
Correspondence Parking/Crossing in Tarves letter from resident suggesting realigned pavement at Duthies/increased parking and Pedestrian Crossing. CC to enquire with Roads. SNH Brochure - Spring 2009, BSG shelters etc catalogue. Alex Salmond MSP conformation of receiving copy of correspondence to Area manager re Conservation Area. Rural Housing Enabler Offer of help re Affordable Housing too late. Correspondence from AC Local Development Plan Main Issues report copies to be sent to CCs soon. Community Plan copies received, Area Manager CA correspondence as above
3 Director of Education Confirming commitment to Community use of schools and a new integrated booking policy enabling pre booking in May for the following year avoiding the current short notice system. Planning Etc Scotland Act New requirement for Pre application consultation with CC by developers for certain classes of development. Aberdeenshire will now have to re-categorise major applications etc in line with Scottish Government guidelines CC was seeking AC to do this last year. .Premises Licensing - Aberdeen Arms Hotel Confirmation of CC correspondence. Tarves School CC will again be allowed to use photocopier with a new administration arrangement
Planning Matters Mains of Cairnbrogie Wind Turbines Deferred to next meeting - date to be arranged and advertised. Craigdam residents group response. All CC members who had viewed this document were concerned at the wording of some parts. Neil to review the submission. Chair had been invited to meet with objectors only to discuss their objections but declined in order to remain impartial. Opportunity to write to CC is always available via CC Postbox. 18 Pringle Ave Alterations and Extension to dwellinghouse acceptable. Tarves School No update on progress. AC Councillors asked to ensure soakaways are not used to avoid playpark/Hut being affected. Shethin Bothy, Tarves Appeal against condition on use of timber windows. Councillors Hendry and Gifford did not agree with the CCs and local residents concerns on drainage and accepted SEPAs recommendations. Approved (with conditions) House Extensions at 9 Tolquhon Ave, 16 Braiklay Ave, 7 Murray Ave, Parkhouse Youllieburn. Also Alts and Ext to 1 Craigdam Cottage and a Double Garage at Northseat of Auchedly, which CC were not consulted on.
AOCB Leisurelend It was agreed to join (around £40) there is a vast array of equipment available that would benefit local groups. Ian to get cheque from Dick. Dog fouling in Childrens Play Area signage to be erected. - AH Mains of Cairnbrogie Wind Turbines - Craigdam Residents requested to make a presentation to outline their objections before the application is voted on. It was agreed that to be impartial the CC would accept written representations and not a presentation on the night. CC have to have a balanced approach at the same time as allowing opportunity for support to be expressed for and against Dog Warden (Maureen Adam) 01467 628683 Mobile 07771 941982
The above minutes were approved at TCC meeting on Tuesday 16th June 09 in Tarves School.
Robert P. Davidson Chairman.
Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public.
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