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Tarves Community
Council held on Tuesday 21st
July 2009
Members Present: Also Present: AC Cllrs J Gifford, A Hendry, P Johnston, J Loveday and one member of the public.
Apologies: D Beattie, D Leslie and N Dougall.
Minutes of Previous Meeting on June 16th Minutes proposed for approval by N Marr and seconded by J Thomson.
Barthol Chapel Matters. CC chair had previously reminded Barthol Chapel residents of funding available from Planning Gain monies It has been agreed that a new cooker for the School would be an appropriate asset for the Community. Planning application for new House and Agri shed considerable opposition it is considered that houses are available locally and that the siting was inappropriate. Exterior of School is to be painted soon.
Local Members Report:- Councillor Loveday indicated that Den of Keithfield entrance is to have verge reinstated.
Matters Arising (from Minutes) Pedestrian crossing/Parking beside Duthies. Chair received verbal response from Roads following letter from Tarves resident. Currently little money available however would be willing to discuss for future budgets although the criteria for a crossing is not met in Tarves. Difficulty finding a mutually convenient site for a crossing on Duthie Road that would be of benefit to old and young alike. Conservation Area Boundary - Chair still to write to Chief Executive. Conservation Area Review Tarves Heritage are meeting soon and sub committee will be established along with CC members.Landscaped Areas/Open Spaces There is a need for improvements in the service provided by Aberdeenshire, particularly at the "Little" park in Tolquhon Avenue. The park has not been usable this year due to the long grass and it being left after cutting. Chair to write to Landscape Services Mackie Ave grass now cut. Matters Outstanding Prop of Ythsie Response received from Robert Gray regarding budget for long term maintenance or repairs. No money available. Streetlights around Square - Work now complete Chair to give thanks to Lighting department for a job well done. Dog fouling in Childrens Play Area signage to be erected.
Roads. Paths and SignsWalls around Square - Ian has spoken to local tradesman on numerous occasions awaiting confirmation to see if he would wish to do repairs and give suggestions for improvements. Graeme Steel AC is seeking feedback from TCC. Ian/Paul to liaise in progressShethin Potholes work ongoing, almost complete. Tree Road Nothing done. Kirk brae pavement breaking up Nothing done. Old Aberdeen Road Bollards need attention. Braiklay Ave Park Sign needed to encourage dog owners to be responsible. AH reported that in Aberdeenshire, neither Grampian Police nor the Council Dog wardens had succeeded in a prosecution for dog fouling since the 2003 Act came into force. There is a need for better enforcement. Tillycairn, Auchenhuive and Pitmedden junctions require grass cutting to ensure good visibility. Chair to inform Landscape services.
Planning Matters Mains of Cairnbrogie Wind Turbines A Hearing is to be held before application goes to Formartine Area Committee date to be established. Tarves School Ext A more practical option for Surface water drainage is now being considered hopefully making use of the Surface water drain as opposed to a soakaway. However this is not delaying progress. Work should still commence on schedule.16 Duthie Road (Old Bakery) - App for new Greenhouse acceptable.Barthol Chapel Apps. for new Dwellinghouse and adjacent Agricultural building. Justification for house now received. Members resolved that the principle of a dwellinghouse was acceptable; however alternative sites within the same ownership should be explored for both proposals. 3 6 Kirk Brae - Alts and Ext Should ensure use of traditional materials in Conservation Area on all elevations. AC should be consistent in their decisions. 12 Mackie Crescent - Alts and Ext - Planners should ensure that policy is adhered to and neighbouring properties are not negatively affected. Mains of Keithfield FPP for erection of Smokehouse and Visitors Centre general support for the proposals, justification for siting accepted. Need for improvements to access off B999 for larger vehicles. Interim applications (Sub Committee);- Piketillum App for new Dwellinghouse no real justification formal objection as against Development Plan. Decision Notices (all Granted) 4 Forbes View (Alts and Ext to house) Site at The Steading Craigdam (New House), South Auchedly Steadings (conversion to 5 Houses and 1 Business Unit)
Correspondence Open Space Consultation to be discussed further numerous areas locally not included Dog walk, Braiklay crossroads etc also no details for Barthol Chapel. Core Paths Consultation Dick and John to respond.Local Plan - Confirmation has been received from AC for receipt of collated responses from Public Consultation meeting.Aberdeenshire Sports Council info, SNH brochure.
AOCB Village Orderly Seen in Pitmedden. P.U.T. Donation received. Weed control system organised by Aberdeenshire is inadequate again. No control over sub contractors, weeds left until late in season before spraying. Village Enhancement Grant Agreed to apply for this for bulbs and possibly new strimmer. 2 quotes needed for a quality heavy duty strimmer. Christmas Lights Dick to asses costs of new sockets in streetlights in Duthie road up to old village boundary. Amenities Group Chair to ascertain if volunteers from sub group are insured for using strimmer on local paths.
Dog Warden (Maureen Adam) 01467 628683 Mobile 07771 941982
Next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th August 2009 in Tarves School 7.30pm
Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public.
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