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Tarves Community Council In Tarves School at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Also Present: AC Councillors P Johnston, J Gifford, A Hendry and J Loveday.N Dougall (Minutes) and six Members of the Public Apologies: S Andrew, D Beattie, B McPetrie and Inspector Pratt. Minutes of Previous
Meeting (20th January 2009) Barthol Chapel Matters. CC had received details of a Development bid for land at Barthol Chapel which included a football pitch opposite the Kirk. It was agreed to seek feedback from residents and BCCA. It was noted that opinion was still in favour of retaining the view of the Kirk from the East and that the protected area should be extended to include the land at the rear of the Kirk. Drain near Balgove junction only partly repaired, verge past Tulloford still needs filled in/repaired. J Boughey voiced concerns regarding the Head Teacher at the School doing part-time roll and also working at Fyvie Hopefully this will be temporary Problem there is to be a meeting early February to discuss this situation. Local Plan the overall view seemed to be that they dont want more development in area but dont mind organic growth. With regards to above Barthol Chapel has submitted letter to AC regarding the protected land as has CC CC has had response stating their letter received. The Post for Head Teacher has been re-advertised hopefully this will allay fears about this position not being required. Matters Arising (from Minutes)AC Insurance for CCs There has still been no proper explanation this has been spoken about at Forum waiting on updateAll Weather Court 3 lights now ok, 1 still to be seen to - Work order to be issued This is on going regarding payment of electricity and responsibility a meeting is to be held in approx two months Community Newsletter (TBC News) - articles, etc. to be sent to Moira Allan, 36 Bede Way, Tarves, or email tbc@tarves.org.uk. Matters Arising Local Plan Development Bids. Link on AC website now working Plans receivedand were displayed in Melvin Hall- A suggestion has been made to put Plans on table in school hall for people to see and put suggestions in for feed back for and against will update Denis Scott AC Insurance officer has advised that TCC should respond directly to Peterkins Letter has been sent Tarves School Head teacher has now decided to refuse the CC permission to use photocopier at any time. There was a formal agreement with the previous Headteacher which allowed this - no problems arose in these 10 + years. Chair to ask Area Manager torectify this decision. There have also been difficulties in gaining agreement for all CC meeting dates that we had last year. Chair to enquire with Barthol Chapel School. Matters Outstanding Prop of Ythsie Chair writing to Robert Gray regarding how it is to be maintained as no funding has been allocated - Chair writing to Mr. Gray (who has said he is willing to come and discuss problem) with a list of CC Meeting times Seat in Square been replaced thanks to Aberdeenshire Council, old one was scrapped. Roads. Paths and SignsWalls around Square - Ian to liaise with local tradesman to see if he would wish to do repairs and get suggestions for improvements. Graeme Steel AC is seeking feedback from TCC. Ian/Paul to liaise in progressShethin being looked into some have already been seen to. Kirk brae pavement breaking up been inspected works order may be issued Tree Road - asking to be looked at Tolquhon B999 - No progress with Problems with drain
Correspondence Grid Project - Letter to Doctors Surgerys to take part in Project (depending on illness Doctor can pass on details for Patient to get Emergency Help) - C Taylor handed in Aberdeenshire Council Grant received Aberdeenshire Council Information for Various Licences and Parent Council also Chair had reply to various issues raised it was decided to discuss at next meeting. Forestry Commission Plan to sell/Leasing Forests Chair replied saying no to all proposals CC have had reply saying they have received CC letter Local Plan (Piers Blaxter) seeking feedback on dev. areas BC protected area - sent. Dev. Bids to be discussed soon. Area Manager response re Mains of Tolquhon which contradicted reports by Local Councillors. new planning application received. Aberdeenshire Council letter for proposed amendments to Off Street parking also list of New Charges for Parking and Permit prices - all going up Grampian Police letter for involvement in any new Projects etc Brochure for Dog Bins Litter Bins etc Aberdeenshire Council Minutes of Last Bus Forum Meeting NHS Grampian Tobacco Policy Questionnaire extending No Smoking on premises and Grounds C Taylor replying The Scottish Government A letter letting us know a Planning Appeal for Duthie Road Care Home/ Business Centre has been submitted Planning Matters Applications Mains of Cairnbrogie Wind Turbines - CC - objecting to application in current formThe Globe Inn new application submitted for change use to Guest House and new houses in grounds/car park. Went to Committee deferred for more information CC still of same opinion. Roselea Steading, Tarves Approved Planners decide where CA boundaries are irrespective of the approved and adopted Local Plan. Chair to query this. Tarves School New kitchen, Dining Room extension with ancillary accommodation Vice Chair responding favourably Mains of Tolquhon new Application for 3 houses and holiday let acceptable if lay-bys included. The Granary, Nethermill new garage - acceptable Youllieburn Farmhouse, Tarves Alt and Ext to existing house acceptable. Local Members Report:- The Light Replacement Work still ongoing at Braiklay Avenue and Stuart Crescent. Planning gain money can still be applied for. Council Officers were coming to look around all the facilities in Tarves on Friday 20th Feb. 09.
AOCB Craigdam have had meeting to nominate Neil Marr to join CC, a letter has been submitted will discuss at next meeting Friends of Haddo Group up and running to apply for Lottery Funding D Reville Gave out application forms- suggestion to put up stand at Easter Egg Hunt at Haddo and also Web Site now up and running to try and encourage membership. www.haddo.org.uk Complaints about the state of grass in Cemetery Graham Waters monitoring this Mackie Ave Housing - Still no progress or help from AC Members agreed land should be considered for inclusion with the neighbouring Affordable Housing development Car park at the Prop - complaints regarding saturated condition of path and dog fouling and car park-Colin Miller from AC is going to see to Car Park first- then Path Dog Warden (Maureen Adam) 01467 628683 Mobile 07771 941982
The above minutes were approved at TCC meeting on Tuesday 17th March 09 in Tarves School.
Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public.
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