Methlick’s Beaton Hall will again be resounding to the words of the bard (and those inspired), with the Annual Burns Supper on 20th January. Please click on the poster picture to view it and get details of tickets and prices.
The Reel McCoy retirn to Tarves for their Hogmany bash again. See in 2018 in fine dancing style at the Melvin Hall. Tickets from Duthies in the Square.
Come and join us for an evening of Christmas music performed by our talented musicians and special guests Pitmedden Primary School Choir- tickets available from 4th December – see poster for information.
The Ythanbank Mission hall will be the centre for good times on Saturday 18 November. Music, songs and laughter. And always a raffle… Come and join them for a great evening
Tarves play group are holding teir November Soup and Sweet as a warming treat. Bring the kids, too as Santa is in his Grotto. Stalls and raffles as well.