Haddo House Choral & Operatic Society is performing Elijah on Saturday the 6th of October 2918 at Haddo and would be delighted to welcome any sopranos, basses or tenors who have sung Elijah previously. There will be two rehearsals in Aberdeen on Sunday the 16th and 23rd September from 2.00 to 5.00pm at the North East of Scotland Music School in Huntly Street, Aberdeen. Singers are expected to attend the Thursday evening rehearsal on 4th October at Haddo and the afternoon rehearsal on the 6th October. Transport can be arrange, if necessary. The (new) Novello edition is being used – please bring your own copies.
Rehearsals at Haddo take place on Thursday evenings, 7.30 to 9.30pm and new singers are very welcome to attend any of these if possible. Rehearsals recommence on 23rd August.
Please let HHCOS know if you are interested in taking part in this performance by emailing them at hhcos.hhcos@gmail.com