The Great Tapestry of Tarves
How do you describe Tarves to your friends? How would you depict Tarves in an image?
Would you like to be involved in creating an art work in the form of a wall hanging/banner depicting images of Tarves and the parish, past and present?
This is a unique community project inclusive of all ages, abilities and groups portraying the story of Tarves. Images can be stylised, realistic, abstract, 3D and tactile in a variety of textiles and wool, stitchcraft, appliqué and patchwork. This will be an exciting project to create a lasting illustration of our community. Interested?
Please come to a meeting at the Heritage Centre, The Square with your ideas on Wednesday 11 January from 1.30 – 3pm or on Sunday 15 January from 2.00-3.30pm.
Still interested but unable to attend, call me on 01651 851200.
Fran Crichton
Tarves Heritage