Tarves Community Council

As you may be aware your Community Council organised a public meeting with a representative of Superfast Scotland on June 27th which was also attended by one MSP, representatives of MSP’s and our local MP.

Since the meeting I have received the following communication from Mr Salmonds’ office.

“I have had a response from BT regarding the lack of community engagement and issues some of you have been experiencing with Broadband and trying to have same addressed when contacting BT. BT are now requesting names and addresses of those who have had problems with their broadband and then have had issues trying to get BT to resolve same. Could you obtain that information for me and exactly what they experienced with BT. A few lines should suffice and can you provide me with a resume of the issues that you have had when making representations to BT on behalf of the Community Council”.

If you have had a Broadband or Phone Line problem with BT can you please get in contact with me, preferably via email giving your Name, Address and phone number with a note of the problem and I will incorporate the detail within our reply.

This is an opportunity for our Communities voice to be heard and I would appreciate if you could let me have your comments by 27th July.

Thank you,

David Hekelaar, Secretary, Tarves CC

Gatehouse, Tolquhon, Tarves.

E’mail: tcc.secretary@tarves.org.uk