The Ythan Cycle Club were hosting a race to Tarves. 28th May 2015. The finish line was just beside the Bain’s Park houses at the edge of the Village.
The Tarves Heritage project have highlighted Tarves has had a long connection with bikes.
“There was a cycle repair shop in the village and not that long ago many people who couldn’t afford a car would use a bicycle as their mode of transport.”
Tarves is on Route 1 of the National Cycle Network which is 1,695 miles long! It runs from Colchester to the Shetland Isles. Next time you see some weary cyclists arriving in the village, give them a warm welcome they may be on a long journey!

Earlier times when cycling and pedals were popular
© Tarves Heritage Project
Find out more about the TARVES HERITAGE PROJECT by visiting their website or finding them on Facebook HERE