Saturday, 27 July 2019 from 15:00-17:00
AB41 7LD Ellon, Aberdeenshire




Come along to Haddo House Terrace Garden for a special one off Aftenoon Tea located outisde on the Terrace Garden. It has been Years since there has been any Tea Parties outside on the Terrace so snap up your spot now!

Musical interludes, Prosecco Bar and photograph opportunities.

Best Hat Competition

Numbers limited


Summer Exhibition opening – Saturday 20 July 2019

Summer is here. Join us on Saturday 20 July for our
Summer Exhibition opening. 

Tolquhon Gallery

20 July to 31 August 2019

Summer is here, long awaited, a time of sunshine and ease. Our Summer Exhibition is a
wonderful mix of styles and media and subjects.
Artists taking part include
Ann Armstrong, Janet Cleghorn, Tim Cockburn, Kirstie
Cohen, Andy Cross, Marion Drummond, Winifred Fergus, Moira Ferrier RSW, James
Fraser RSW, Helen Fryer, Gillian Goodheir, Garry Harper, James Harrigan, Wendy
Houston, D.E.Johnston RSW, Jim Livingstone, Robert Mach, Ian Mastin,
Donald Macdonald, Duncan MacLeod RSW, Mhairi McGregor RSW,
Charles MacQueen RSW RGI, Fiona Millar, Donald Murray, Jacqueline Orr RSW RGI
PAI, Ann Ross RSW, Patricia Sadler, Kitty Watt, Maggie Williams,
Christine Woodside RSW RGI
and Jim Wylie.

We are pleased to introduce two artists new to the gallery this summer, Ann Cowan and
Gwen Adair and we celebrate the return of another, Deborah Phillips.
You are invited to the opening of the exhibition on
Saturday 20 July from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Feel free to bring friends and family and enjoy prosecco and strawberries while you take in
the show.

Images and full details of the exhibition will be added to the website
as soon as possible. The work is still arriving but if there is an artist
in whom you are particularly interested, please contact us and we
shall email details as soon as we can.

Copyright © 2019 Tolquhon Gallery, All rights reserved.

The mailing address is:

Tolquhon Gallery

Tolquhon, Tarves

Ellon, Aberdeenshire AB41 7LP

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 1651 842343

FW: For Information: Road Closure C37c 09/09/2019

Please be advised that C37c at Couchiecairn will be closed from 09 September 2019 to 11 September 2019 for telecoms work carried out by Kelly Communications (details attached).

Diversion for this closure will be via A947 St Katherine’s, C118s Barthol Chapel, U40c Balgove, C37c and vice versa.

For further information please contact either myself or Paul Wilson (01467 538961).


Stuart Copland
Technical Assistant
Formartine Roads
Aberdeenshire Council
Tel: 01467 532867
Email: stuart.copland@aberdeenshire.gov.uk < mailto:stuart.copland@aberdeenshire.gov.uk>

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Wood RecyclAbility offers adults with a wide range of abilities the chance to experience a real workplace setting by making recycled wood products at our training centre and wood recycling site at Cloisterseat Croft in Pitmedden.

Set up in 1997, Wood RecyclAbility is social enterprise providing practical work experience for people with additional support needs through working with waste wood. We support up to 40 trainees each day in a new purpose-built workshop, yard and 5 acres of agricultural land.

On average 1,500 tonnes of waste wood is collected and processed at the facility every year, mainly from offshore companies. As wood is an easy resource to work with, it has an array of uses and is ideal for providing trainees with a broad range of working experiences.

Wood is sorted on arrival and any contamination removed. Suitable clean wood is de-nailed and graded for reuse or recycling. It is then sold to local joiners and householders or used to make a variety of products onsite including garden furniture, nest boxes, bird tables, log stores and household products. These items are sold to the public providing a valuable source of income.

You can see, and buy, our hand-made recycled products at www.shopwood.co.uk. We also make bespoke products to order – including furniture, planters and more.

 Wood that is not suitable for crafting into these types of products can be used in the manufacture of chipboard and MDF. About 30 tonnes of wood are processed through the chipping machines each week and are used as a raw ingredient in these board products.

Wood RecyclAbility is a great example of how an organisation can be a sustainable business whilst providing an environmental and social benefit. But we could use some extra help. If you could spare a few hours a week then we’d love to hear from you. Any expertise in marketing, retail, IT, finance, supply chain, HSE, HR would be very helpful or if you wanted to offer some practical help then we could use that too, be it in the workshop helping making wood products or in the office helping with the administration. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, then contact our general manager Brian on 01651 842876, e-mail Brian.Reid@woodrecyclability.co.uk or drop in at our premises at Cloisterseat, just a short distance behind the Pitmedden Coffee Apothecary.

We have some spare capacity for additional trainees if you know of anyone who would benefit? Finally the demand from woodburners and biomass boilers means that a lot of useable wood is now being burned. So, if you know of any supplies of wood that could be available for recycling, we could use that too!



POLAR EXPLORERS is a fun children’s holiday club

WHAT IS IT?     A week of fun and games, crafts, drama and songs, based around bible stories

WHERE IS IT?     It will take place in Tarves Youth Hall

WHEN IS IT?     12 — 16 August (the last week of the summer holidays) from 10 am to 12 pm each morning

WHO IS IT FOR?      All children from P1 to P7, including children just about to start P1 

HOW MUCH IS IT?     £2 per day per child

BOOKING FORM      Please click on this link to register your child. You must also complete a Consent Form.

Booking Form
POLAR EXPLORERS Summer Club, 12 – 16 August, 10 am – 12 noon, Tarves Youth Hall, Kirk Brae

Consent Form
Consent to photography/filming and social media. Also consent to holding email addresses and dates of birth.