A Pewter Cup with Plums IAN MASTIN
Tolquhon Gallery
9 November to 22 December, 2014
Christmas is coming and we are delighted to present our annual exhibition of Original Prints, Sculpture, Ceramics, Wood, Glass and Jewellery. If you can make it, do come to the opening on Sunday 9 November between 2 pm and 5 pm. If you cannot make it on Sunday, the exhibition continues for six weeks until Sunday 21 December.
To get in the Christmas mood, you are welcome to enjoy mulled wine and home-made mince pies while you view the exhibition. Pie-making is now underway.
Artists include Anne Anderson, Walter Awlson, Jane Blair, Chris Bushe RSW, Catriona Campbell, Jane Charles, Malcolm Cheape, Tim Cockburn, Marion Drummond, Winifred Fergus, Moira Ferrier RSW, Jackie Gardiner, James Harrigan, Alan Hayman, Wendy Houston, Susie Hunt, Amaryllis Johnston, D.E.Johnston, Jim Livingstone, Mhairi McGregor RSW, Duncan Macleod RSW, Jean Martin RSW, Ian Mastin, Drummond Mayo, Catriona Millar, Fiona Millar, Illona Morrice, Hazel Nagl RSW RGI PAI, Lucy Newton, Kathryn O’Kell, James Orr, Barbara Robertson, Ann Ross RSW, Danny Ross, Michael Ross RSW, Patricia Sadler, Tom Shanks RSW RGI PAI, Joe Smernicki, Helen Tabor, Marion Thomson and Marie Louise Wrightson.