Fun at the ‘MCC’ Gala at Lairds Cricket ground, Methlick -SUNDAY 2nd SEPT

Come and Enjoy:

  • Tug of War Competition Throughout The Day

  • Barbecue

  • Beer & Merchandise Tent

  • Coconut Shy

  • Jewellery Stall

  • Bouncy Castle

  • Kids Fun Bus

  • Whisky Boards

  • Raft Race !!

  • Fantastic Cricket Tournament

Running Order (Est)

11.00 Methlick 2nd X1 v Ellon Grp1
11:55 Inverurie v Fraserburgh Grp2
12:50 Caledonian v Ellon Grp1
13:45 Methlick 1st X1 v Inverurie Grp2
14,40 Methlick 2nd X1 v Caledonian Grp1
15.30 Duck Race !!
15.45 Methlick 1st X1 v Fraserburgh Grp2
16.40 Winner Group-1 Vs Winner Group-2 Seven’s Final
17.30 Tug of War Final
17.45 Presentation Scotia Instrumentation Trophy
18.00 Chairman’s Thank You

Art at the Mill – Friday 31st August

Art at the Mill Event

Friday August 31st 6-8pm

Fizz, Nibbles and Art to view and buy

also Saturday & Sunday afternoon to buy

Work by Local artists

Mill Business Centre, Udny

The Mill on road from Pitmedden to Udny Green next to recycling

All proceeds to Udny Green Planning Action Group

Council asks tenants to think ahead on changes to housing benefit

Changes are planned to welfare benefits, which will be implemented from April 2013 through to 2017 by the UK Government.  One of the most significant of these changes is the introduction of size criteria in relation to the number of bedrooms in a property occupied by working age tenants in the social rented sector claiming housing benefit.

Aberdeenshire Council is providing information to people who rent a home from the council or a housing association as part of a range of measures to encourage residents to think about benefit changes. Letters and leaflets are going out initially to council tenants of working age initially who will be affected by changes to the size criteria for housing benefit claims as of April 1, 2013. At a later date information will also be sent to housing association tenants in receipt of housing benefit once the council has matched records to highlight people who may be affected.

Aberdeenshire Council’s head of finance Alan Wood said: “Welfare reform will have a significant impact on both residents and the council. Therefore throughout the transition we will provide information and support to people who need it.

“We are writing to council tenants and those in the social rented sector who are under-occupying their homes in terms of the size criteria to encourage people to start thinking now about the changes that will come in April 2013.

“Providing letters, leaflets and information online and at events are just part of a range of initiatives we hope to undertake with residents, as well as with our own staff, to get people to understand the implications of welfare reform.”

If people are under the qualifying age for state pension credit and have a household make-up with more bedrooms than required (under the size criteria) then their housing benefit entitlement will be restricted. For those with one bedroom more than required (under the size criteria) then housing benefit will be reduced by 14%, for those under occupying by two or more bedrooms the reduction is 25%.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) criteria states that a separate bedroom is required for:

  • every adult couple (married or unmarried)
  • any other adult aged 16 or over
  • any two children of the same sex aged under 16
  • any two children aged under 10
  • any other child (other than a foster child or child whose main home is elsewhere)
  • a carer (or team of carers) who do not live with the tenant but provide them or their partner with overnight care

Aberdeenshire has 6,429 council tenants who are in receipt of housing benefit of whom 3,016 are of working age. A recent analysis has shown that 944 council tenants of working age in receipt of housing benefit are under-occupying their homes, of whom 579 are single person households and will, therefore, lose housing benefit if their circumstances remain unchanged by April 2013.

Martin Henderson photography

Local Photographer Martin Henderson producers photographic art from his home at North Burnside of Schivas Near Tarves.  People may know Martin from his displays at local school events and he has expanded to produce framed and mounted prints of stunning close up photographs and sepia tinted monochrome shots that bring a new close perspective to everyday things.


Tarves Melvin Hall packed for meeting on surgery

More than 300 people with extra seating brought in.

Over 300 people packed the Melvin Hall on Monday 20th August to hear representatives of NHS Grampian give information on the closure of Tarves doctors Surgery due for September 7th. Doctors, Fiona Munro and Roy Burnett from Haddo Medical Group were also on hand to explain the reasons the practice were taking the decision.

The meeting was a series of questions from the audience to the NHS and Haddo Group practice following an initial briefing.  Local MP Malcolm Bruce attended but Local MSP Alex Salmond was absent.  Mark Macdonald , a government MSP for the North East did attend.  Local Councillors Paul Johnston and Cryle Shand but apologies were received from Cllr Hendry and there was also a notable absence from Council leader and local Councillor Jim Gifford.

All three Community Councils that cover the Haddo Group practice area had asked NHS Grampian for the meeting and made specific points at the meeting about the situation.

Pharmacy decision under fire

Almost immediately on the conclusion on the briefing, the previous decision to allow a pharmacy in Tarves was severely criticised.  Several speakers pointed out that the consequence of allowing the NHS subsided pharmacy was the withdrawal of dispensing at Haddo surgeries for the bulk of patients.  This led directly to the predicted squeeze on the Haddo Medical Practice finances and their being forced to close the Tarves surgery to balance their books.

The meeting heard from Tarves Community Council who challenged the NHS representatives that they had, as a board, the powers to reverse the  dispensing decision.  Dr Munro from The Haddo Medical Group indicated that the surgery could only possibly stay open if the dispensing issue was resolved. The NHS present were unaware of their legal powers at this point.

Pam Gowans of the NHS was unable as well to deny that the net cost to NHS Grampian of dispensing via Tarves Pharmacy, along with Community Pharmacy subsidies and fees would exceed the costs of the pre-existing dispensing costs to Haddo Medical group.  Cllr Paul Johnston asserted that the decision should be viewed as perverse given that the decision to open the Pharmacy was costing people more for providing less medical service.  On that basis, all the Community Councils felt there were reasons why NHS Grampian had to go back and review the situation.

MP and MSP expressed concern

Local MP Malcolm Bruce told the meeting that attempts to get the issues raised with NHS Grampian had not proved successful and that it was a Scottish Government ministerial decision ultimately through its pharmacy arrangements, .  However, Mark Macdonald, a government (SNP) MSP who attended the meeting said he would write to the minister and try to prevent the situation happening elsewhere.  This brought a strong audience reaction.  Mr Macdonald, then later said he would ask Alex Salmond’s office to assist and also try and see what action could be taken to review the current closure.

NHS Grampian Challenged

Members of the audience challenged the NHS to indicate why they were ignoring patient care because they believed ‘rules’ stated they had to.  Similarly, it was said that the NHS got themselves into the mess on having to withdraw dispensing at Haddo Surgery in Tarves and Pitmedden and therefore they should maintain service by a direct subsidy to compensate.  Pam Gowans of the NHS said that NHS budgets were stretched and this in turn invited criticism from the audience that the motivation appeared less about maintaining health care but simply minimising expenditure.

Haddo Doctors asked to keep Surgery open

Haddo Medical Doctors were also challenged by residents as to what more could be done to maintain services. They indicated that they were not allowed to continued to dispense without a license and the costs of maintaining the surgery were very much larger than just the doctors and receptionist cost.  It was not viable for them, said Dr Munro.  Chris York from Tarves, asked Dr Burnett if the decision by the practice to dispose and sell the building could be delayed until such times as the future of dispensing might be reviewed if the politicians in Government agreed.  Dr Burnett indicated that the practice regretted being in this position and outlined the long history of trying to prevent the closure.  The practice, he said would do all it could to avoid taking pre-emptive decisions to dispose if there was a chance, but at some point, they would be forced to consider its future.  The views from the audience were that there were little alternative for another surgery venue if the building was sold for another use.


There were several persistent calls for a boycott of the new pharmacy.  The NHS, doctors and members of the audience with medical and government knowledge confirmed that it is up to the individual patient if they wished to use their prescription at another pharmacy such as Oldmeldrum or Ellon.  The practice at its Pitmedden surgery have and will make arrangements for the medicines to be delivered from any of the local pharmacies and had those in place for Oldmeldrum.

Several people indicated they would wish to not frequent the Tarves pharmacy.

Local residents Dr Helen Stephen and Dr Helen Milne, spoke strongly about the need for people to make up their own mind.  Should the Pharmacy in Tarves not prove viable for their owners, which includes Mr Semple, then the issue of dispensing would again be reviewed. A number of people indicated a their own personal boycott was likely.

Politicians Sum Up

The NHS asked local MP Malcolm Bruce, Independent Councillor Paul Johnston, and MSP Mark Macdonald of the SNP to indicate their summary of the meeting.

Mr Bruce indicated he would continue to press the Scottish Government to review the NHS dispensing issue and ask them to look at overturning the pharmacy decision which led to the closure proposal. Mr Bruce  urged each resident to individually write to the health Minister or Alex Salmond.

Councillor Johnston thanked the local Community Councils for all their campaigning against and said people did not blame local doctors for being forced into this position by the pharmacy decision.  Cllr Johnston said the he would work with Community Councils to try find a legal challenge if it were possible.  It was however, a government decision and he indicated that NHS Grampian had perhaps followed the rules to the letter – however, he said “If the rule was daft then you get a daft decision even though the NHS are doing the correct procedure”  Cllr Johnston asked the MSP Mark MacDonald to go back to Alex Salmond and health Minister Sturgeon to express the strong local opinion and get them to overturn the “daft decision”  He said the NHS still had many questions to answer and also made an a specific request that was backed by the audience for the local Community to be given the opportunity of Addressing the NHS Grampian Board directly.

Mark Macdonald MSP said he understood local feeling and appreciated the problems.  He said he would write to the minister, Nicola Sturgeon in Edinburgh and contact local MSP Alex Salmond who was absent.

The NHS Grampian officials thanked the audience and indicated they would respond to specific local questions via the Community Councils.