FW: Home Security While On Holiday 07/08/2019 08:50:58 [281153]



Home Security While On Holiday
Going on holiday – before you go.
Everyone needs a holiday from time to time and when we return home we expect to find everything as we left it. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, with almost half of all housebreakings occurring when a flat or house is left unoccupied.
By planning ahead and following the tips below, you can help to make your home more secure while you are away.
What you may have to cancel – newspapers, grocery deliveries & milk (be careful who hears you in the shop)
Make sure your home looks occupied. Ideally, ask a trusted neighbour or a friend to look after it (collecting mail, watering plants, feeding your pets, opening & closing curtains etc). Let them have the spare keys but don’t put your name or address on the keys.
Don’t leave keys on the inside of door locks, under mats or anywhere else an intruder may easily find them.
Don’t leave your curtains closed in the daytime as this shows the house is empty.
Use automatic timer-switches to turn your lights on when it gets dark (and not just in the hallway).
Avoid discussing holiday plans where strangers may hear details of your absence from home.
Be wary of what you post on social media sites – do not advertise the fact that you are away from home.
Cut the lawn before you go and trim back any plants that offenders could hide behind.
Uncollected mail is a sign that you are away. The Royal Mail’s ‘Keepsafe’ service will keep your mail for up to two months, for a small payment, while you are away.
Consider leaving important documents and valuable items with other family members. Or lock them in a safe.
Remove all items of value from view in your car.
Do not put your home address on your luggage when you are travelling to your holiday destination.
If you normally leave valuable pedal cycles or similar items in your shed, consider putting them in the house.
Garden and DIY tools that could be used to break into your home should be secured out of sight.
Unplug all electrical devices that don’t need to be on.
Turn off the gas and water supply (if you are away for a long while).
Finally, don’t forget to lock all external doors and windows. If you have a burglar alarm, make sure it is set.
And just before you set off, it’s worth spending a couple of minutes checking that you’ve done all you had to do and taken everything you need with you.
General tips on home security.
Fit 5 lever mortice dead locks or sash locks (Kitemarked BS 3621) to all external doors, and window locks to all downstairs or easily accessible windows. Preferably, there should be three points of locking to rear, side and internal garage doors.
Have an approved alarm system installed – look for installers in your area who are members of a recognised inspecting body. We would ask that you consider a monitored system, installed by either an NSI or SSIAD registered company.
Don’t leave valuables, like your TV, laptop or DVD player, where people can see them through windows.
Ideally keep photographic records of all your valuable items and keep it in a safe place.
Consider fitting a letterbox cage or outer restrictor, which prevents thieves from putting their hands through and trying the latches from the inside.
Most criminals get in through a back door or window. Make it difficult for them by locking all side or back gates and adding trellis to the top of walls and fences.
Fit lights that come on at night to cover the sides and back of your house.
Put all your tools away so they cannot be used to break into your house and lock your garage and shed with proper security locks.
If you have to leave a ladder out, put it on its side and lock it to a secure fixture with a ‘close shackle’ padlock or heavy-duty chain.
Make sure that you have up-to-date household insurance. <www.neighbourhoodalert.co.uk/292763840/email.gif>
Message Sent By Gerry Ferris (Police, Constable, North East Divison)
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FW: Theft Of Agrochemicals 07/08/2019 10:20:36 [281189]



Theft Of Agrochemicals
Theft of Agrochemicals
There have been recent reports in the theft of agrochemicals from Farms in your area including chemicals used for the spraying on crops of potatoes. This has included Fungicides and herbicides. Recent thefts have occurred in the Northern, Grampian and North Angus areas. Please ensure chemicals are secure. If you have any information or knowledge regarding any such incidents, or suspicious vehicle activity around farms, offer of chemicals for sale etc. please report to Police Scotland on 101 or 999 in an emergency. You can also contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you have any information and want to remain anonymous. Further information and security advice can be found on the following link
www.scotland.police.uk/keep-safe/home-and-personal-property/rural-cr ime
Message Sent By Willie Clark (NHWN, Community Engagement Officer, NW Scotland)
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FW: Bogus Callers Incidents Scotland 07/08/2019 10:03:01 [281184]

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Bogus Callers Incidents Scotland
Following a noticeable increase in Bogus Caller/Doorstep Crime incidents across the country please be alert and consider how you can protect yourself, family friends and neighbours. The old adage ‘ If in doubt, keep them out’ is a simple but effective message. Everyone has a part to play to keep the community safe.
Here are some simple steps that may prevent those around you falling victim to criminals who target the vulnerable in our communities.
* Discuss the advice in this message and links below with family, friends or neighbours who are older or vulnerable. * Be on guard if someone turns up unexpectedly. * Keep front and back doors locked. * Use the door viewer or nearby window when answering the door. * Fit a door chain or bar – use it and keep it on when talking to callers at the door. * If you’re not sure, don’t answer the door. * Don’t feel embarrassed – genuine callers expect you to be careful. * Only let callers in if they have an appointment and you have confirmed they are genuine. * Always ask for identification badges of anyone you answer the door to, but don’t rely on them. Identity cards can be faked – phone the company to verify their identity. * Some companies offer a password system. Ask your utility providers if this can be used and if you have a password with a company make sure the caller uses it. * Never let people try to persuade you to let them into your home even if they are asking for help – they may not be genuine. If someone is persistent, ask them to call at another time and arrange for a friend or family member to be with you. * Never agree to pay for goods or give money to strangers who arrive at your door. * Don’t keep large amounts of money in your home. * Remember, it’s your home. There’s no reason why anyone should ever enter your home against your wishes. Keep an eye out for strange vans in your neighbour’s driveway. * Make sure your relatives are not regularly taking large amounts of cash out of the bank. * Make arrangements to ensure your relative’s house looks well maintained and, for example, that it is not immediately obvious that an older person lives there alone. * Doorstep criminals will often target the same victim more than once, so be particularly alert if someone has previously been a victim.
Look out for your community and report any suspicious activity immediately to Police Scotland on 101 or your local authority Trading Standards.
www.scotland.police.uk/keep-safe/personal-safety/doorstep-crime-and- bogus-callers
www.neighbourhoodwatchscotland.co.uk/security-advice/811-2/ < www.neighbourhoodalert.co.uk/292808808/email.gif>
Message Sent By Mark Armstrong (NHWN, Community Support Officer, NW Scotland)
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Looking for something to do with the kids, nephews, nieces, grandchildren over the summer holidays? Why not pop down to Tarves Heritage Centre and help our wee Hetty Heritage Mouse find her friends who are hiding around the Museum or try writing on a slate in the Victorian schoolroom.

The dressing up box is always popular or try your hand at the cup and ball game.

Combine your visit with a gentle walk around the village and do our Walkabout Tarves Quiz. You can download the quiz from our website, www.tarvesheritage.org.uk (under events) or pick up a copy from Tarves Heritage Centre, the Aberdeen Arms Hotel or the Murly Tuck Cafe.

We’re open from 1-4.30pm, every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.