Daffs and Willow JANET CLEGHORN
Tolquhon GallerySPRING EXHIBITION1 March to 14 April, 2015Spring is coming; snowdrops are blooming, the days are lengthening and we look forward to our annual Spring Exhibition. You are invited to the opening on Sunday 1 March from 2 pm to 5 pm. Many artists exhibiting are well known at Tolquhon but there will also be a number of artists showing with us for the first time. Artists taking part include Janet Cleghorn, Emma Davis RSW, Marion Drummond, Winifred Fergus, Moira Ferrier RSW, Gillian Goodheir, Madeleine Hand, Garry Harper, James Harrigan, Wendy Houston, Susie Hunt, Jim Livingstone, Jennifer Mackenzie, Duncan Macleod RSW, Mhairi McGregor RSW, Lesley McLaren, Hazel Nagl RSW RGI, PAI, James Orr, Barbara Robertson, Ann Ross RSW, Danny Ross, Patricia Sadler, Tom Shanks RSW RGI PAI, Ingebjorg Smith and Jim Wylie. The exhibition will feature a new collection of sculptural wood and fused glass pieces by Scott Irvine and hand-painted aluminium jewellery by Miranda Peckitt of Very Colourful Jewellery. If fierce winter weather hits the north east on the first Sunday in March, the private view will be held on the following Sunday, 8 March.